

African Elephants sure are large and heavy and can crush you like a petal. But did you know that million years ago, predators and reptiles ten times as large as the predators we have now ruled the lands and seas of the earth?

Of course, we know about there are pre-historic animals before our existence, but what creatures could possibly the largest during their age?

And we are not talking about animals that are as tall as a 4-story building or as heavy as two elephants – these are just minimal in this mecidiyeköy escort case.

From the Blue Whale to pre-historic crocodiles, snakes, lizards, and marine reptiles, here is a list of the 10 largest animals that ever existed.

10- Sarcosuchus (crocodile)

Crocodiles are already notorious on their own, but what if they are thrice as large as their size today?

The Sarcosuchus, meaning “flesh emperor”, is known as the largest crocodile to have ever existed. It reaches for about 40 feet long and weighs about 10 tons (which is about 10 times heavier than crocodiles today).

They lived during the early cretaceous period in the are of what is now Africa.

African Elephants sure are large and heavy, and can crush you like a petal. But did you know that million years ago, predators and reptiles ten times as large as the predators we have now rule the lands and seas of the earth?

Of course, we know about there are pre-historic animals before our existence, but what creatures could possibly the largest during their age?

And we are not talking about animals that are as tall as 4 story building or as heavy as two elephants – these are just minimal in this cas

From the Blue Whale to pre-historic crocodiles, snakes, lizards, and marine reptiles, here is a list of the 10 largest animals that ever existed.

10- Sarcosuchus (crocodile)

Crocodiles are already notorious on their own, but what if they are thrice as large as their size today?

The Sarcosuchus, meaning “flesh emperor”,

is known as the largest crocodile to have ever existed. It reaches about 40 feet long and weighs about 10 tons (which is about 10 times heavier than crocodiles today).

They lived during the early cretaceous period in the area of what is now Africa.

9- Shantungosaurus

The Shantungosaurus is most commonly knows as a duck-billed dinosaur, existing in the earth for about 70 million years ago.

Its remains were first discovered by Zhao in 2007 (they were living around what is now Asia). Its largest kind is known to reach up to 55 feet and weighed around 23 metric tons.

It has around 1500 teeth, but only for chewing plants and other vegetation because they are herbivores.

8- Mosasaurs

Mosasaurs are very interesting predators because they are initially primitive lizards on land that evolved as Mosasaurs.

The largest of their kind measures for about 60 feet and weighs as heavy as 20 tons (or about 2-3 African elephants!).

They were rulers of the marine kingdom for about 20 million years and have lived for about 65 million years ago.

7- Titanoboa (snake)

As for the snakes, hinting on its name, the Titanoboa or Titanic Boa is the largest snake to have ever existed.It is about 50 feet long and weighs up to 1135 kilograms (ten times heavier than today’s largest anaconda!),

and a width of about a foot (which is as wide as a truck tire!) They are believed to have lived 60 million years ago, living in the murky waters where they catch their unsuspecting prey.

6- Mauisaurus (Maui Reptile)

The Maui Reptile is known to be the largest Plesiosaur (one of the ruling marine reptiles during their age) that has ever lived, measuring about 66 feet and weighing about 8 metric tons.

They were believed to have lived some 65 million years ago in the area of what is no New Zealand. They are predators which normally consume fish and other marine animals.

5- Spinosaurus

Mostly known as Spine Lizard, this creature is dubbed as the largest terrestrial predator that has ever existed.

Ernst Stromer in 1915 was the first to find its fossils, with a length of 60 feet, a height of 20 feet,

and a weight of 9 metric tons. It is believed that they were already around some 112 million years ago,

consuming fish as big as a human being!

One of its fine features is its sail (which is about 2 meters) on its back, which was used either to

attract a mate or to warm up by pointing it to the direction of the sun.

4- Leedsichthys (fish)

Considered as the largest fish to have ever existed, this creature was first found by Arthur Smith Woodward in 1889. It reaches up to 54 feet and weighs about 50 metric tons.

It is believed that the Leedsichthys have lived during the Jurassic period, where gigantic reptiles were ruling the land and massive marine predators were ruling the seas.

In such a case, its powerful tail allows it to move smoothly and rapidly in the waters.

3- Shonisaurus (lizard)

Known as the “Lizard of the Shoshone mountains”, this creature was first discovered in 1976 and is considered the largest marine reptile to have ever existed,

living long before most of the dinosaurs began to evolve and develop. It is almost 70 feet in height and 40 metric tons in weight. Its skull alone measures 10 feet long! Simply, it is a king in both land and sea!

2- Argentinosaurus (Argentine Lizard)

124 feet and it weighs about 100 metric tons.

1- Blue Whale

Scientifically known as Balaenoptera musculus, the Blue Whale is the largest animal that has ever lived and is living on Earth.

It was first discovered by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, with the largest measure of over 110 feet and as heavy as 190 metric tons.

Interestingly, a heart of a Blue whale is as large as a four-wheel car with blood vessels as spacious as 3-4 humans together!

They mainly eat around 40 million Krills every day and they can speed up for 31 miles per hour. Experts say that these creatures can live up to 80 years.

The Shantungosaurus is most commonly knows as a duck-billed dinosaur, existing in the earth about 70 million years ago. Strip Club Name Generator

Its remains were first discovered by Zhao in 2007 (they were living around what is now Asia).

8- Mosasaurs

The largest of their kind measures about 60 feet and weighs as heavy as 20 tons (or about 2-3 African elephants!).

They were rulers of the marine kingdom for about 20 million years and have lived for about 65 million years ago.

7- Titanoboa (snake)

As for the snakes, hinting on their name, the Titania or Titanic Boa is the largest snake to have ever existed. It stretches for about 50 feet and weight about 1135 kilograms

6- Mauisaurus (Maui Reptile)

They were believed to have lived some 65 million years ago in the area of what is no New Zealand.

They are predators which normally consume fish and other marine animals.

5- Spinosaurus

Ernst Stromer in 1915 was the first to find its fossils, with a length of 60 feet, a height of 20 feet, and a weight of 9 metric tons.

consuming fish as big as a human being!

attract a mate or to warm up by pointing it in the direction of the sun.

4- Leedsichthys (fish)

Considered as the largest fish to have ever existed, this creature was first found by Arthur Smith

Woodward in 1889. It reaches up to 54 feet and weighs about 50 metric tons.

Were ruling the land and massive marine predators were ruling the seas. In such a case, its powerful tail allows it to move smoothly and rapidly in the waters.

3- Shonisaurus (lizard)

Known as the “Lizard of the Shoshone mountains”, this creature was first discovered in 1976

dinosaurs began to evolve and develop.

It is almost 70 feet in height and 40 metric tons in weight.

Its skull alone measures 10 feet long!

2- Argentinosaurus (Argentine Lizard)

it weighs for about 100 metric tons.

some harder fibers in their stomach.

1- Blue Whale

Scientifically known as Balaenoptera musculus, the Blue Whale is the largest animal that has ever lived and is living on Earth.

It was first discovered by Carl Linnaeus in 1758,

with the largest measure of over 110 feet and as heavy as 190 metric tons.

Interestingly, a heart of a Blue whale is as large

as a four-wheel car with blood vessels as spacious as 3-4 humans together!

They mainly eat around 40 million Krills every day and they can speed up for 31 miles per hour. Experts say that these creatures can live up to 80 escort mecidiyeköy years.

Read More: Strip Club Name Generator

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