Other search engines may be created, but none will ever compare to the wackiest and largest search engine of all:
Google. It’s fast, superb, and most of all, it is overflowing with nifty tricks and well-hidden knacks created by its developers for a little twist of fun.
But we got you all covered in this collection of 10 Really Cool Hidden Google Tricks, so no worries!
From gravity-defying stunts, little ninja spotting, finding the sea monster, aside tilt, and even a Spam recipe (yes, there is!),
if you look hard enough and searched for the right keywords, even clicking the “I’m feeling lucky” button works to entertain you.
So, the next time you’re Googling, try these up first (and maybe find new ones!)
10- Google Color
Not a type of interactive trick, but it gets your every mood! Google color trick allows you to
change the color of your whole homepage (not just the bars!). Just type in “google” plus any color
you want, click the “I’m feeling lucky” button and – voila! – watch it transform before your eyes. Any color will do, and here we have “google black” for you.
Have you ever heard of those “did you mean” suggestion jokes? Well, Google has its own and the punchline is you!
Type the word “recursion” in the search bar, and it will show a “did you mean” suggestion showing the exact same word even if you did not make any spelling mistake.
By the way, recursion means repetition or returning. Yes, Google gets the last laugh.
8- Doodles
Have you ever wondered how many Google logos have been out there since it was created in 1998? Well, if you want a quick archive with just a single click, just click the
“I’m feeling lucky button” without typing anything in the search bar, and all the logo designs since 1998 will be displayed for you.
7- Tilt
It’s simple! Just type in “tilt” or even “askew” in the search bar, and your interface will automatically tilt slightly on its side. Whether you enabled your Google’s instant results or not, it still works.
6- Spam
Another trick outside of Google search is the hidden Spam recipe in Google Mail.
Yes, it is really an edible recipe! Just open your Gmail account and, while in most folders, you will see a one-line advertisement just above every e-mail list,
if you click the Spam folder, you will see the treasure your grandmother must know – another home recipe just above your e-mail list! Plus, it varies all the time!
5- Dragon
Moving on to other features of Google, even Google docs has its own collection of tricks! in this dragon trick, Strip Club Name Generator
just open any spreadsheet in Google Docs, press Shift+F12, and a message will instantly pop up in your screen declaring, “Dragon slain! Congratulations,
you’ve slain the dragon!”. Now, who would have thought?
4- Hello, Nessy
If you are using an iGoogle theme, then you have probably seen the Lochness Monster peeping beside the corner of your interface at 3AM.
Using the Google beach theme, keep online until 3:14 AM (yes, it is the first three digits of Pi – smart nerd kids)
and watch Nessy rise in the dark waves of the ocean on your homepage! Being an insomniac has its advantages, really.
However, after Google retires in November 2013, looks like this cool trick has to go down too!
3- Zerg Rush
If you are an avid player of Starcraft, then you must have ultimately loved the Zerg Rush trick in Google.
In the video game, Zero Rush is the attack of aliens (known as Zergs) by descending numerously and swarming their enemies.
However, in Google, the aliens come in as the letter “o” in the Google logo. You can defend your page by clicking on them as they start to destroy the search page.
You can even share your feat in Google+!
2- Gravity
One of the all-time favorite tricks in Google is the gravity-defying stunt in its search bar.
Just type in “Google gravity” and hit the “I’m feeling lucky” button and see your homepage collapse altogether like blocks!
Tip: Disable Google’s instant results first on your account preference page in order to be able to use the “I’m feeling lucky” button.
1- Barrel Roll
After this trick went viral worldwide on Twitter, the Barrel Roll trick has been one of the most enjoyable tricks made by Google.
What you only have to do is to type in “do a barrel roll” in the search bar and even before you’re done, the homepage will start spinning like crazy!
It’s simple and the fun is endless! Plus, it both works whether you have enabled your Google instant result or not.
Read More: Strip Club Name Generator