6 Fun Teenage Things To Do Right Away!
Teenage is all about drama and uninvited experiences. It’s that phase of your life when your heart swivels through a ton of smiles, tears, anxiety and fear. Thus, as a teenager, you must fully dig into the liveliness of teenage years by doing something exciting each day. Something like the 6 fun teenage things to do that we are going to unravel today!
Let’s get started!
Road Trip With Friends
Friends are a very crucial and sometimes a little annoying facet of teenage. At times, some friends become closer than your family; rather they become your family. Well, if you’ve got such friends then preserve them like a gem and take them on a long and adventurous road trip! This is one of the most fabled and exciting fun teenage things to do that every teen craves for.
All you need to do is arrange a comfortable car, fabricate a soothing playlist and dump in a ton snacks in your car. Also, do not forget to carry sanitizers, extra masks, tissues and a first aid kit. If you are not able to arrange a car, let me tell you that bike and scooty rides are also a great option; in fact they make you feel the fresh air soothingly. The real joy comes from the friends you take on the trip; not from the kind of vehicle. So make sure, you put this road trip on your bucket list among the other fun teenage things to do!
Night out
Nights have a different vibe altogether. The calmness, the silence, the stars, the moon, the deep darkness and the cool breeze make nights special. Now, imagine spending these beautiful nights with your closest buddies amidst a night out. How cool is that! You could go on night rides, have dinner, eat street food, attend a concert, walk on empty streets, and stay awake until you seen the sunrise together in the dawn. Well, no wonder why night outs had to be included in the list of fun teenage things to do! Go try it out!
Instead of going to the same old cafes and pubs and ordering the same old pizza and drinks, try something fresh and adventurous; something that’s close to nature and away from the city’s noise and dust. Try something like trekking or hiking. Not only does this activity makes you feel the warmth of nature but also aids to strengthen the bond between you and your friends. Giving hands to each other while climbing, motivating each other to walk more, taking those tiny eating breaks and sharing food and eventually experiencing the joy of victory when you finally make it to the top of the peak is just marvelous, isn’t it?
So, when are you planning your next trek with your buddies?
Prank Someone
Well, this is not exactly an adventure or something that teenagers could be really proud of but this is definitely something that would bring out tears of laughter and fun. Pranking someone with your friends is one of the most hilarious and memorable one among the list of fun teenage things to do. And I don’t think that I really need to tell you why that’s the most hilarious activity. The best part is the end when you spill the truth to the person on whom you are playing the prank. But make sure you do not pick your victim wisely and do not hurt anyone’s feelings while pranking him or her.
Majority of the teenage girls might have done this activity already since sleepovers are the most fabled and easy fun teenage things to do. Imagine all your friends attacking your bedroom and chilling the entire night together by gossiping, having delicious snacks, watching horror movies, dancing, talking about life at 3 a.m. and then sleeping tight together at 5 in the morning. It becomes a night that you cherish forever.
House Party
You must agree with me that whenever you get to know that you are going to alone at your house for a few days, the first person you call is your friend and then eventually you end up calling a bunch of friends and there you go, the plan of house party begins. All you need is some loud music, lights for decoration, mouthwatering snacks and drinks, a guest list of friends and of course an empty house! And at that very moment you turn your old school home into a crazy and lively club!
Okay so that was it from my basket of ideas of the fun teenage things to do amidst teenage phase. I really anticipate that you would have adored at least some of the ideas and that you would try out at least one of these fun teenage things to do this week itself! Since teenage won’t last forever, make sure you live every moment to its fullest!
Also, make sure you remember one crucial tip while digging into this list of fun teenage things to do – In the end, all that matters is your happiness. Don’t do things just because they are cool or because your friends are doing them. You don’t need to make yourself uncomfortable or pressurize yourself just to match your friends. This is one mistake that most of teens tend to make and then eventually, they lose their identity, get lost in the crowd. You are unique, you are special, you don’t need everybody to love you because in the end, you know your worth, you know you are good human being and that’s what matters the most!
Now what are you waiting for? Just buckle up to try out these marvelous fun teenage things to do!
Teen Conquers encapsulates everything about teens and teenage. You find here every facet of teenage from teen issues to ‘me-time’ ideas. Since teenage is full of enthusiasm, drama, tears and smiles so Teen Conquers aims to help teens to deal with teenage. It aims to make teenage magnificent!