There are times when I wonder, as you may as well, precisely why I consider a certain school one of the best. My conclusion is that all of the following characteristics characterize the Best CBSE School in Meerut. They are also found in abundance at these schools. Let me clarify, before you start thinking that I am only talking about old established schools, that is not necessarily the case. There are a number of schools that have all of the characteristics outlined below that fit neatly into the category of Best CBSE School in Meerut. Taking a look at the traits of the best schools, let’s see what I think they contain.
Leadership at its best
There are strong, dynamic, dedicated leaders at the Best CBSE School in Meerut. Women and men who lead them have a clear vision for what they are trying to achieve. Furthermore, they have the experience to carry out their plans in order to realize that vision. The head of the best school is an excellent fundraiser. Her administrative skills are exceptional. Her example inspires others. She demands excellence from every member of her school community.
A solid foundation of trustee support
Some of the Best CBSE School in Meerut, I know would have made excellent schools. Despite their best efforts, their fractious board of trustees kept standing in the way of progress. The process of change is never easy. However, it seems that boards have a hard time adjusting to change. That surprises me a lot since the majority of board members have businesses backgrounds. It makes sense that they would understand the necessity of change. Intransigent and rebellious behavior is worse than leading the change and ensuring its success. In order to manage change when the head of school is faced with all kinds of variables, such as changing demographics, fewer applicants, underperforming endowment, and so on, it is important for the board to work with her and develop a plan. The school board leads the charge in the best schools. Cheerfully and capably.
Graduates have provided strong financial support
The financial backing that a school’s graduates provide is an important measure of its effectiveness. Each school head dreams of a bequest of $25 million, but the reality is you need to cultivate your graduates. In order to generate a strong financial response from graduates, regular communications, alumni events, and homecoming weekends must be a part of your mix.
Faculty with stellar reputations
An essential part of the mission of the Best CBSE School in Meerut is quality teaching. To do so, teachers must be well-educated and well-trained as well as passionate about the subject they teach. They must also have a passion for educating young people as well. My personal opinion is that teaching of that kind is nothing short of a calling. It requires a lot of patience and focus, which is not often found in other types of professions like adult education, for example. My experience spans both age groups. Whenever I see adults in the classroom, I find they are there so they can earn some credits or a diploma. The state of flux in which young people, particularly adolescents, are in necessitates that we bring a professional focus and patience to our work. That’s why the Best CBSE School in Meerut hire faculty who possess these qualities.
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A wide range of academic experience
My opinion is that extensive academics is not synonymous with lots of AP courses or IB courses. Course content is of utmost importance to me. However, it is equally important for young people to have a wide range of subjects to explore. The best schools provide that opportunity. I can think of many schools that offer a wide variety of subjects to their students, though the approach may differ from school to school.
A wide variety of athletic activities
Athletes are simply part of the program at Best CBSE School in Meerut, as I have explained at length in several other articles about them. Sports are not optional at private schools. Competitions are intended to teach youngsters the value of teamwork, respect, and competition. BUT WAIT! Isn’t that the same thing that’s taught in the academic world anyway? Indeed. Providing a holistic education to a child is integral to learning. The best schools are excellent at teaching these values.
Extracurricular activities are numerous
A wide variety of extracurricular activities go hand-in-hand with the extensive academic and athletic offerings. The Best CBSE School in Meerut will offer a wide assortment of extracurricular activities. Some of these activities will be relatively recent additions to their program. Others have been standing favorites for years. Private schools are known for their high level of extracurricular activities because they are guided and supervised by members of the faculty or staff.
Excellent facilities
Schools with the best facilities are among the best. An old, established Best CBSE School in Meerut i.e. BNG International School come to mind. My opinion of the BNG International School is that it takes the BNG ideals and principles to an entirely new level of excellence that I have never seen before. All of the expected BNG practices are there.
A boarding school on the other hand, is located on hundreds of acres of beautifully landscaped grounds. These schools have athletic grounds that rival the ones of many university campuses. Throughout the learning centers and classrooms you will have the opportunity to participate in the discussion and learn.
Aren’t both the BNG International School and the larger boarding school accomplishing the same goal? The schools both provide a nurturing environment for students to explore. It is in an environment that is orderly and beautiful that a child can feel safe and dream. It is the Best CBSE School in Meerut that encourage children to dream. Children must be encouraged to express their creativity in school. High quality facilities provide the backdrop for such expression.
Graduating students accomplish a lot
Review the accomplishments of the graduates of the best schools. These schools expected greatness from their graduates. The graduates will fulfill that expectation. Top schools did not just graduate students. Top schools made sure their graduates did their best. They achieved more than they ever thought possible by exerting themselves.
Best CBSE School in Meerut are the best schools because they offer all the characteristics listed above, not just one or two. They all offer these characteristics.