Writing a Career Episode Engineers Australia is very challenging for a perfect CDR. Even a minor mistake here can spoil the whole broth. Therefore, you should know the ideal format to write a career episode. Only seeing a Career Episode sample will not make it possible for you to write it; you need to be familiar with its format. Here in this blog, we will familiarize you with the structure to write a career episode (CE). So, read the whole blog. But, before we teach you how to follow the format, you need to know exactly what a career episode is and why it matters in a CDR (Competency Demonstration Report).
What is a Career Episode (CE)?
A career episode is an integral part of the CDR report, and it helps you show your skills, capability, knowledge and work experience in the engineering field. Engineers Australia assesses your ability as an engineer using career episodes for a skill migration visa.
You need to submit three career episodes to Engineers Australia to show your competencies. You need to pick three different projects for three career episodes, and you should choose those that allow you to show your engineering skills best.
Topics to write a Career Episode Engineers Australia:
As you must register three career episodes in CDR, you have to pick your career series’ issues carefully. Here, you have three opportunities to include the competency elements given by Engineers Australia into specific experiences relevant to your profession.
- Engineering projects you took up, workshops you attended, or tech fests you took part in during your education program.
- Any specific engineering issue or innovation you had in your academic period or profession.
- A particular position you occupied (occupy at present) in your career. Engineers Australia is interested in seeing the role you specifically played in the company.
- A project you worked on (or are still working on) at the starting stage of your career.
Format of the Career Episode Engineers Australia:
Each career episode format must be based on the essay form, not a table. Don’t submit a PDF file. The design for each career is given below:
- Introduction Background
- Personal Engineering Activity
- Summary
The introduction is an opening to the CE, and it must have vital information. This part should be within nearly 100 words. The things to include here are:
- Project starting and ending dates.
- The organization name for which you worked.
- The location where you took up the project.
- Your position/designation in the organization when you worked on the project.
- It would help if you mentioned the supervision of the designed people of the organization you had.
Here, you need to put things in place and give the context you have working or studying. It has to be within 200-500 words, and it must have the idea of the general engineering project along with the project’s goals.
Apart from that, your specific work zone nature and a graph of the organizational structure have to be included featuring your position relevant to the professional career episode. The most important thing here is to give an official obligation statement where possible. Career episodes in CDR, you have to pick your career series’ issues carefully. Here, you have three opportunities to include the competency elements given by Engineers Australia into specific experiences relevant to your profession.
Personal Engineering Activity
It is eh body of the narrative and the central asses sable part. It must be around 600 to 1500 words. The details of the work you did must be described here. It would help if you mentioned what you did, and after that, tell how you did. It is not enough to describe the exercises of a group or team. You need to distinguish your roles and responsibilities. Remember; it is your engineering capabilities that EA will evaluate. Here, it would help if you incorporated the way you used your engineering knowledge and abilities. It would also help if you also mentioned the assignments you had and how you completed them.
Besides that, you need to include specific technical problems and how you conquered them. You need to encompass the methods, including any original or imaginative design work. The last thing to do here is to show your team working skills.
The summary you give must have all your impressions of activities relevant to engineering and your role here. You need to present your point of view of the whole project. Apart from that, you also need to give your role that helped to fulfil the desired goals and requirements.
Why hire professionals?
Despite providing the necessary information about the career episode Engineer Australia format, we still advise you to hire CDR career episode writing experts to ensure your success. Its okay to see the Career Episode Engineers Australia Sample and follow the pattern, and it will not guarantee you success. So, hire a professional CDR writer.