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CRS Calculator: Know your eligibility

In this fast shrinking world, moving somewhere or immigrating to another country has become extremely feasible and easy. If you are here, it means you too are seeking a way to immigrate to Canada. Many of the students, and young, skilled citizens of India immigrate to Canada every year. Knowing people from your social circle who are immigrating and settling in Canada might have made you want to gauge your possibilities too.  Express Entry is one of the most known pathways for immigration to Canada. CRS calculator is a crucial tool in the Express Entry program and this article explains the Comprehensive Ranking System tool.

In Express Entry program, one can only receive an Invitation to Apply or an ITA, if he or she scored the required CRS points. There are many parameters set by the government of Canada and one can score these points by fulfilling these parameters. CRS stands for Comprehensive Ranking System and it comprises of a total of 1200 points.  The entire evaluation is divided into four parts:

  1. Core/ human capital factors
  2. Spouse or common law partner factors (if applicable)
  3. Skill transferability factors
  4. Additional factors
Core/ human factor (500 points)

Core points include factors such as age, academic and language proficiency, etc. You need to know one more important thing. If someone has a spouse or partner then in this section they will get slightly lower points than the person with no spouse and partner. These points are later adjusted. For the person with spouse the maximum points are 460 and for the single person its 500 points.

This section will ask you the basic info such as:

  • Age– The Canadian government prefer younger and skilled Younger people are naturally more productive and are less likely to become a liability to the Canadian economy. Thus, they are prioritized. This parameter works in the following way.
    1. Less than 17 years- 0 points
    2. between 20-29 years-110 points
  • more than 45 years- 0 points
  • Level of education– we all are familiar with the importance of the education qualification. And for immigration also you need better education qualifications. In the table with the increase in your qualification, you will witness the rise of your points. The maximum points for level of education is 150.
  • Official language proficiency: it’s quite obvious that to survive anywhere you need to have a grip on the language. Canada has two official languages , English and French. You should have a strong hold on either one of these languages. Your proficiency will be judged on the basis of the Canadian language Benchmark (CLB). If you excel in any one of the languages then it will become your primary language. You can earn upto 136 points for CLB 10 and above.
  • Canadian work experience: if you have Canadian work experience, then you do get the points. In this you can score up to 80 points. The one with the maximum years of work experience gets the maximum CRS points.
Spouse or common law partner factors (40 points)

It comprises of 40 points. This section is exclusively for people with spouses or law partners. In this the eligibility of spouse will get you the CRS points. These points will be based on three parameters.

  • Spouse’s level of education: maximum score is 10 points
  • Spouse’s language proficiency: 20 points
  • Spouse’s Canadian work experience: 10 points
Skill transferability factors (100 points)

This section is entirely beneficial as it converts your years of experience and education into the profitable CRS points. This can help you a lot because this section offers you 1oo points, entirely on the basis of your work and education. This section is divided into two parts:

  • Education: – in this you will be judged on the basis of your education and work.
    1. If you have good proficiency in language and post-secondary degree then you can score up to 50 points. There’s one thing to understand here that points do vary according to your level of education.
    2. If you have Canadian work experience and post-secondary degree then you can score up to 50 points. And you should keep in mind that you will be awarded points on the basis of your years of experience.
  • Foreign work experience- if you have work experience from any country then this will help you earn a few This is divided into two parts:
    1. Foreign work experience with good official language proficiency: – in the above mentioned criteria you might have observed that education played the most vital role. In this section work experience plays the most important role. If you have a good language CLB score and experience of foreign work then you will get the points.
    2. Canadian work experience with foreign work experience: here you will be awarded with the points if you have both foreign work experience and Canadian work experience.
    3. Certificate of qualification (trade occupations) with good official language proficiency: this section is entirely applicable only for those people who are into trade occupation. If someone has a valid certificate and a good CLB score then he can get up to 50 points.
Additional points (600 points)

This section will give you an opportunity to earn more and more CRS points. There are several criteria to score additional points.

  • If you have a relative such as a brother or sister who is a citizen of Canada or he/she has the PR of Canada then you get additional 15 points.
  • If you have scored above 7 in NCLC that is the benchmark for French, you can earn 25 points. And you will get this even if you failed the English test or scored less than 4 CLB.
  • scoring above 7 in NCLC and also scored better in English that is more than 5 CLB then you will be rewarded with 50 additional points.
  • If you have completed your post-secondary education from one of the Canadian institutes. credentials above 1 or 2 years, will get you 15 points.
  • If you have post-secondary education in Canada, but with credentials of more than three years. 30 points reward is there.
  • If you have arranged employment that is under the code NOC 00 then you will get 200 points.
  • If you have arranged employment that is under the code NOC0, A or B then you will receive 50 points.

These are the total parameters for an individual, on the basis of this criteria you will earn your score. And if you manage to get the enough required CRS points, then you will receive your invite.

To learn about it more.

Above, I have mentioned each and every detail precisely about the Comprehensive Ranking System and the way the CRS calculator works. It’s quite normal if you still find it difficult to understand. There is a lot of information above. If you go through it in detail you will understand it. For the ones who are still wondering about the criteria, the CRS calculator is one of the tools available online. There, you can fill the data asked. This will give you the experience of your own and you can get your speculated CRS points.

If you are eligible for any of the Express Entry programs then you can go through this tool. The tool will judge you entirely the same as the real process, if you will provide the correct data. It will help you to know whether your skills, qualification and current data will get you the ITA or not. Additionally, after this you will know the points you can earn, and if the points are insufficient you can seek a way to get more points.

If you need professional help then here’s a recommendation. If you stay near Delhi or in the NCR region, then you should contact the best immigration consultants in Delhi.  This will give you some professional ideas about the entire process of immigration.

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