
Digital Marketing for Attorney – 6 Success Strategies for Your Law Firm

Digital marketing gives professionals of all branches the opportunity to grow their businesses and, given the specialization I have in the legal sector, in this post I am going to talk about various digital marketing tools for lawyers that will help you achieve more customers.

But let’s start at the beginning

What is digital marketing? 

Well, simply the application of a set of actions and strategies carried out through the internet to advertise, promote and market the products or services of a company.

Ok, got it, but let’s go one step further

What is digital marketing for attorneys

Well, the application of that set of tactics and strategies to the legal world. It would be the series of actions that you can carry out, through digital means, to publicize your office or your services, to inform your potential clients and generate a solid reputation before them or to offer your services online.

Is It Necessary for A Law Firm to Implement Digital Marketing Strategies?

To answer this question, it is necessary to pose the question more globally, starting from a fundamental premise: a lawyer must be where his clients are.

We live in the 21st century and this is an inescapable truth. Today everyone is on the Internet, not only in large cities, but also in small provinces and rural areas. Your customers are on the Internet and sooner or later, you should be there too.

In addition, the arrival of the pandemic has turned society upside down and this sector, which was so technologically backward (and still is), has caught it off the hook.

6 Digital Marketing Strategies for Lawyers That Can Take Your Office to Another Level

clientele grow:As I said, here are some clear and concrete basic digital marketing for attorneys that can make your 

  • Have A Professional Website for Your Office

There are many reasons that lawyer websites advise, especially for a 21st century lawyer, who wants to live in his time and is aware of how his clients think and act. Gone are the days when lawyers handed out business cards or collected their contacts by word of mouth.

Today lawyer websites are necessary and in this article we will tell you the reasons for this.

For me this is the first fundamental step of an adequate digital marketing strategy for lawyers. Is it essential? No, but it is very convenient, because as you will see, with the other measures, it is always convenient that all the actions you carry out, direct potential clients to your virtual space on the internet, to your office on the net … and that it’s your website. You can implement these measures without a website, but they will not be as effective.

  • Get Potential Clients Through Professional Directories

When potential clients seek legal services, they will often visit online directories. The reason is very simple: these platforms are very well positioned in search engines and it is generally where the first results of any search related to a lawyer are shown.

If, for example looking for “lawyers Murcia” (or any other location), probably in the first results of the search will appear listed as or

On this type of website, for each location there is a page with files for each office, where its legal services and data such as the name, telephone number and address of your firm are indicated for potential clients in your area.

By listing digital marketing for attorneys services in these directories, you are building a path for potential clients to find your services, increasing your visibility, which can lead to more traffic and more leads.

  • Create A Listing in Google My Business

Nowadays, everyone goes with their mobile in their pocket and, even, most of the time they perform searches through voice and related to their location.

Therefore, it is important that you register your law firm in a local directory such as Google My Business, which is an excellent tool to promote your legal services to potential local clients and best of all


To be able to enjoy Google My Business you only need to have a Google account (or what is the same, Gmail).

  • Create Specific Offers Without Risks for Your Clients

When a person goes to a lawyer, it is logical that doubts assail him: “Will he be the right one for me?”, “Will he have enough knowledge and experience in matters such as those that I am going to propose?” a very high cost the procedure? “. For potential legal services clients, choosing an attorney can be a stressful and exhausting process.

Well, an excellent promotional tool, which they are already putting into practice, not only legal professionals, but from other branches such as doctors, nutritionists, psychologists (and, why not say it, myself), is to offer the potential client a promotional offer, with the opportunity to test the services before having to commit to anything.

  • Use Social Media

In another post I will talk about this in more detail, but go ahead that social networks can be a powerful promotional tool for a law firm.

Be careful … if you do it well and commit to it, because if you do it wrong, it can be detrimental to your image. In social networks you cannot be there, but you have to be aware of why you are there, why you are there and dedicate a minimum of time and love to it.

What social networks should you use? Well, it depends on who your potential clients are, your sector, your communication skills and abilities, your image …

  • LinkedIn is a great networking tool if you work with corporate clients.
  • Twitter works well as a loudspeaker for your messages and opinions.
  • YouTube is a powerful tool to strengthen your authority and become a benchmark on certain topics, due to the enormous scope that the immediacy of the audiovisual format already has.
  • Facebook is the giant where everyone is and, therefore, it is usually a good means to get clients in cases of matters that affect large sectors of the population, matters that many people talk about (for example, banking matters).
  • Instagram, although it may not seem very appropriate, is very useful for creating a brand image and especially targeting a younger audience and more open to direct and visual messages.
  • Advertise Your Services in Digital Media

Paid ads on digital media will help you reach specific audiences and allow you to quickly obtain information to better understand your customer base, allowing you to refine your audiences and optimize your campaigns in the future.

For example, Google “express divorce”. Most of the results that appear on the first page (which is the one consulted by 80% of Internet users) are paid ads. Now think, who has done that search, it is because they are probably interested in that topic and are looking for a solution to a problem and it is more likely that they will go to one of the pages that appear first, rather than spend hours browsing the web.

Hope you like this article on Ezineposting.

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