When you’re looking for license, registration or compliance related services within the telecommunication domain, it’s the DOT Consultants you reach out to.
These experts understand the ins and outs of the Department of Telecommunication. They leverage that knowledge to streamline every regulatory procedure you must follow to start your business operations.
However, What are Dot Consultants, is a question that’s more complex than meets the eye. They aren’t your quick-fix experts. But instead, they are professionals that possess vast knowledge about telecom regulations. Thus, explanation about them should be more than a single line.
This blog’s job is to deliver you that explanation and explaining to you the services that they provide.
So, let’s begin.
Who are DOT Consultants?
The regulatory labyrinth of telecom department can confuse anybody. There are regulations on how to apply for the license, and who can apply for the license, and even then there are regulations about who among those deserving are the best fit for a particular license. But that’s not all, once an entity operates a license, it has to walk along a very strict line of regulations whose wordings are more complex than it needs to be.
You can imagine the surprise of the telecom companies who first ventured in to the market totally blind – not understanding the meaning behind those regulations. That’s when a new type of trade came to surface – DOT Consultations.
DOT Consultations encompass the kind of regulatory advisory people need when they don’t understand the terms of their business. Consisting of many services that we will discuss in the next section, consultancies that deal with Department of Telecommunication are held at a higher pedigree than the rest.
It’s because DOT Consultants that form such a consultancy entail the following kinds of experts:
- Financial experts: These professionals watch over the financial requirements of obtaining and maintaining a business license.
- Technological experts: These professionals have the responsibility to maintain the regulatory standards of the Telecom Company’s technical infrastructure.
- Business Consultants: They are the ones that guide a company towards a telecom license – converting it into a telecom service provider company.
The nature of telecom service providers differ based on the nature of their business license. That in turn diversifies the types of services DOT Consultants provide.
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DOT Consultants: Services that they provide
The diverse services that DOT Consultants provide are as follows:
- Unified License: Unified License to become an Internet Service Provider is the most in demand within the telecom domain. Thus, the DOT consultants provide end to end assistance for Unified license for the following:
- Traditional ISP
- Access Category B
- International Long Distance
- National Long Distance
- Infrastructure Provider: IP1 License is a specialized permission that allows a company to become an infrastructure provider.
- Network and Non-Network Licenses: DOT issues Network License to the entities that engage in either the trade of networked telecom devices or operates such devices. Non network license is for entities that deal with non-networked telecommunication devices. Network and Non network licenses encompass every registration including WPC ETA, experimental license and more.
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Other license and registration services that DOT Consultants deliver are as follows:
- Establishment of Cable Landing Station
- Assistance with Media Gateway License
- Resale of IPLC License
DOT Consultants are business professionals rendering business solutions related to the regulatory domain of the telecom sector. They possess immense knowledge of Telecom regulations that they leverage to render services to a plethora of clients.
If you want to reach out to such experts, you can consult with Registrationwala.