This book made Bob Phillips a household Eating for Life By Bill Phillips name and we thought it was a good idea to revisit this book and see how it compares to the latest diet books on the market.
5e drow names While we are deluged with new titles every month, it’s always nice to go back to an old favorite and see if it can still help us. Many of us buy diet books, read them and follow the advice for awhile before moving on. Should you give this one another try? Let’s find out!
The first few chapters are very informative and may change the way you think about food. We particularly enjoyed the fifth chapter that covers dieting myths and facts. Eating for Life By Bill Phillips
You may be surprised about some of those old wives tales.
The author does a great job of keeping the tone light and fun, which is always good when you’re reading a diet book.
You won’t want to put it down and he did a great job of presenting his information and the way that he made the diet work for him. It’s pretty inspiring and a good read at the same time.
In the second half of the book, Phillips provides recipes for the foods he’s talked about in the first part. This was very nice to see since many diet books just don’t provide this research.
It’s one thing to tell you that you need to eat something, but if you don’t show someone how to make that food, they may not ever follow through.
Phillips makes it easy to do just that and discover some great new healthy and tasty alternatives for your diet. Eating for Life By Bill Phillips

The success stories
at the end were a great addition to the book and once again, very inspiring. That was a stroke of genius and should supply readers with enough fuel to really take this diet plan seriously.
The sections on kitchen essentials and conversion charts were also incredibly helpful.
Our main complaint with this book wasn’t the advice or the food suggestions. It was the total lack of attention towards another major component of getting and staying healthy – exercise. Without that, you may not be able to achieve your goals using just this diet alone.
However, it does provide you with the tools you need to make lifestyle changes and that fact redeemed the book in our estimation. Eating for Life By Bill Phillips
While the book does have some issues,
overall, it is a very solid diet book. For those that are having a hard time figuring out what they should be eating, this is the perfect teaching tool. While it doesn’t cover exercising nearly enough, it does what the title suggests – providing you with a new way to eat for life. It’s not a fad diet, and it’s not all sparkly and pretty, but it does get the job done. If you’ve tried everything else, you may want to give this book another shot. At the very least, it’s well worth the read and very useful.
Originally posted 2008-09-05 05:55:56. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
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