Essential Festival Beauty Prep
The ultimate way to celebrate the summer in the UK, there are countless festivals around the country that offer something for every taste in music.
Of course, you’re primarily there for the music, the people, the atmosphere…. But that doesn’t mean that you want to let your standards drop when it comes to style.
So whether you’re heading to Leeds Festival for 5 days in a tent or hitting a dance festival for a weekend, here’s an essential guide to festival beauty prep, so that your look can last the whole weekend.
Hair Care
Unless you’re planning to stay in boutique camping, the chances are that you won’t touch a shower or hairstyling device from the moment you leave the house until you walk back through the door on Monday. Katienicholl
To give your hair that long-lasting freshness, you should try to time your next haircut to fall the day before the festival. Not only will you get to brush up your style and maybe try a new look for the summer, but your hair will stay fresh for days… just be sure to invest in some dry shampoo and hair spray to keep that shine and hold.
Another option if you struggle with unmanageable hair, especially for curly locks, is to try a salon treatment such as permanent straightening.
This will last throughout the festival and beyond into the summer, making it a popular choice for women with busy schedules. However, if your hair goes lank and lifeless when it hasn’t been washed, you might want to pump up the volume with a Brazilian blow-dry instead.
Before you bare your skin in shorts and crop tops, a little pruning is required to have you looking at your best. So whether you go to a salon or DIY, hair removal is a must; waxing will last longer than shaving, and is good exfoliation too.
If the sun comes out to play, and you’re out in it all day, you want a long-lasting tan that won’t peel off over the following week, which makes exfoliation essential. Then to get that healthy summer glow before you go, you could also get a fake tan to give you some color.
Facials are also a great way to help your skin glow, tackling any annoying acne or imperfections before the festival.
Make-up struggles to withstand a whole day of partying, so getting a fake tan and treatments such as eyelash tinting is a good way to minimize the use of make-up which will inevitably run.
But don’t forget to pack lots of colorful glitters, paints, and lipsticks to complete your outfit for the festival itself!
Although you might not be able to shower or look in a proper mirror for a few days, by prepping yourself with these beauty essentials you can spend less time worrying about how you look and more time having fun.
A little pruning and a trip to the salon can go a long way. So to help you maintain your style throughout the festival, follow these essential beauty prep tips beforehand.
Article by Kelly Gilmour-Grassam, who has a wealth of festival wellies and is thankful for how to festival prep according to RM-UK.
Read More: Katienicholl