The words dull, splotchy and lifeless are the three words you’ll probably want to never to use to describe your skin. However, if hormones dry weather, hormones, or sun damage appear at your doorstep, this less than perfect description may be too true.
The best part? The ingredients to make the best skin-saving treatments are likely already in your kitchen in the moment.
If you require exfoliation, moisture, or help in toning and whether you’re looking for results in one day, or even in 10 days, there’s a solution at hand for you.
- Water
It’s not like we’d be able to avoid on the H 2O didn’t you? Your skin needs a significant amount of moisture to remain beauty smooth and clear So, make sure you have plenty of. It isn’t easy to stay hydrated through extreme weather conditions, cold and hot. Bring your water bottle wherever you go, and drink it through the entire day.
How much water you’ll need will be contingent on your height and the weather conditions, as well as your level of activity. It’s still a matter of discussion the amount of water we require on a regular basis however, experts from the Institute of Medicine suggests shooting for 9-13 cups per day.
It is possible to get an idea of how much hydration is being consumed by observing your urine which is a reliable indicator of how much water you drink. If your urine is light and straw-coloured yellow color, your hydration is excellent. In the event that it’s dark, or even has some hint of brown and a hint of brown, you should drink it up.
- Coconut oil
Coconut oil is loved by us for a variety of reasons. One of them is that it makes us feel as if you’ve been slathered with the sands of a pina colada! However, this amazing natural ingredient has significant benefits for skin. Coconut oil can:
- assist in the repair of the skin’s barrier
- Provide protection against bacterial infections
- reduce inflammation
- Provide antioxidants
- Help to promote healing
- ageing skin slows down
Coconut oil is ideal for dry to normal skin as it holds in moisture and replenishes the skin’s the hydration.
Application Coconut oil can be used by itself or add salt, sugar or baking soda to create scrub. In the event that you’re using coconut oil on its own you can leave it on for a while or wash it off prior to going to going to bed. Scrubs can be rinsed away within 15 minutes or less. If you decide to go with scrubs, you will only have to exfoliate two or three times per week, unless you have oily skin.
- Honey
Honey isn’t only for bees or cornbread. It protects and provides nourishment to your skin by acting as an emollient or acne remedy. The trick is to choose raw honey that is unpasteurized and retains healthy bacteria.
The bacteria interacts in conjunction with your body’s natural immune system to lessen irritation and inflammation, and it also puts an end to acne-causing bacteria. It may also help to heal and reduce acne marks.
Honey’s benefits aren’t just limited to that. It’s natural exfoliates your skin and removes cellulite that cause your skin to appear dull.
A word of warning If you’re allergic to celery, pollen or bee venoms, test your honey with a tiny area of your skin before applying it. You don’t want an allergic reaction when the honey has covered your face.
Applications: You can smooth honey directly on your face, or mix it with other ingredients to multiply the benefits. Mix 3 parts honey with 1 part cinnamon for an anti-blemish treatment. Allow it to sit for 8 to 10 mins and then wash it off.
Another option is mixing 1/2 teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon baking soda as well as olive oil. Baking soda provides an extra exfoliating effect, and olive oil provides extra moisture to your skin. Apply the cream to your face, and leave for 10 minutes prior to cleansing.
- Turmeric
The brightly colored spice is made up of curcumin, a compound that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. When it is applied to your skin, it will help treat acne, heal wounds (including sun damage) and enhance the natural glow of your skin.
In the less gross, but beneficial side It can also be used to treat scabies which are a petty microscopic mite that can cause an uncomfortable itchy rash.
Before you apply turmeric to your face: some things to keep in mind. It is possible for it to temporarily cause skin to turn in a yellowish-orange hue. Additionally, certain people are sensitive to turmeric. Do a test on a small part of skin prior to applying it to the sensitive facial skin.
Applications: Keep it simple and mix an oil that’s 1 part turmeric to 2 parts of water. Let it simmer until it becomes thick it cools, then apply the paste to your skin. You can mix turmeric with other ingredients that are natural such as honey. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon turmeric. Apply it to your face, and let it sit for 15 minutes before washing and dry.
- Baking soda is a scrub
Baking soda absorbs smells, bakes delicious desserts, and is an effective exfoliant that will provide your skin with a glowing boost (when utilized in the right way). Skin cells are shed every day, but they will not be able to remain for long by using a routine of exfoliation.
Application Make a paste of baking soda using water just enough to form a paste. gently apply it to your skin. You can mix baking soda with olive oil or honey to make an exfoliating scrub that is moisturizing.
- Olive oil
Olive oil is a source of beneficial properties from vitamins A D, E, and K. In the majority of cases when discussing benefits for skin, we refer into vitamin E. It’s due to the fact that it’s an antioxidant which helps protect the skin from the effects of free radicals.
Do not get into too the chemistry of the world However, free radicals possess an electron that is unpaired and requires another electron in order to achieve balance. The free radicals are trying to take that electron away out of cells, killing them during the process. You can see that dying from free radicals isn’t the best choice for the health of your skin.
Additionally, researchers in the study of 2014 discovered that taking vitamin E and K together could help remove acne. Although applying them to your skin may not be identical, but it’s impossible to ignore the benefits of the skin’s ability to absorb the extra vitamins.
application: You can apply olive oil directly on your skin. But, and this is vital it is important to avoid the cheaper olive oils and opt for organic, natural, or organic extra-virgin olive oil. It’s more pure and safe and better for skin. You can also purchase blends of olive oil with almond, lavender or grapeseed oils which are specifically designed to be a skin care treatment.
It’s not a lot. A few drops should suffice to cover your face. It’s also possible to combine olive oil and other ingredients for healthy skin like yogurt or honey. If you’re prone to acne, stay clear of olive oil because it could block pores on certain types of skin.
- Sunscreen
Most people already have sunscreen in their homes so we’re looking at it as a natural solution. It’s so crucial to the well-being for your face that it cannot be left out.
The sun’s rays are so soothing on your skin, however that doesn’t mean it’s healthy to your complexion. A key part of maintaining healthy skin is shielding your skin against UV damage. Make sure to choose the best broad spectrum sunscreen which shields the skin from UVA and UVB radiation, and has an Sun protection percentage (SPF) that is 15 or more.
To give you a reference point, UVB rays cause sunburns and sunburns, whereas UVA Rays penetrate deeply into the skin, causing wrinkles and damage. Hard pass.
Application What you put on your sunblock is almost as important than the type of sunscreen you choose to wear.
- It’s about 2 tablespoons for your entire body. Be sure to apply the sunscreen generously. Applying too little sunscreen can make it less efficient.
- Use 15-30 minutes prior to going out in the sunlight.
- Apply every two hours, earlier if sweating or are in the water.
- Be aware of trouble spots such as hairline as well as hair tips, ear and your neck.
- Tea bags for under-eye skin
The majority of the benefits of tea come through drinking it, not applying it to your skin. But tea bags make the ideal size to make a cold or warm compress to help reduce swelling and calm the skin around the eyes.
Application In warm water, soak 2 tea bags for between 10 and 15 mins then remove them and squeeze the water out. To make a cold compress put them in the freezer for between 15 and 20 minutes. After that, lie back and relax. Then, put the tea bags in your eyes to create a relaxing compress.
Tea bags can serve as an ice pack to ease symptoms associated with eye infections and irritations. It’s a warming compresses not hot, so be sure to verify the temperature of the tea bag before using it for your eye’s sensitive skin.
- Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera’s therapeutic properties have been utilized for long. You’ve probably used aloe vera gel to ease burns from sun or two. It’s a good question to consider including aloe vera in your routine routine for skin care or do you need to keep it in your bag to calm a burning sensation? (A good motive in itself.)
The moisturizing properties of aloe vera can be utilized in lieu of lotion for the face. It’s a rich source of vitamin A and Eas well as antioxidants as well as healthy enzymes. Aloe vera is absorbed quickly in the skin which means even people with oily skin types can apply it without causing breakouts.
This cool gel could also use to help treat sunburn, frostbite, cut and cold sores therefore it’s certainly worth keeping within your cabinet of medicine.
Applications: If you own an aloe plant, you can slice off the leaves and squeeze out the fluids then apply the gel directly on the skin. The most efficient method of using it is to purchase an off-the-counter (OTC) aloe gel.
Aloe vera can be combined with other ingredients such as calendula or echinacea to provide an extra boost in health. Make sure to choose one that contains only the purest and most natural components. Certain bottles contain fillers like parabens (ick). If you’re looking to find pure aloe then the ingredient list should contain only the ingredients listed and not more than that.
- Yogurt face mask
Smooth and silky, yogurt’s texture makes you want to shout, “Put me on your face.
You can experiment with different yogurts until you come across one that you like. For instance, Greek yogurt’s extra creamy texture can be simpler to apply, particularly when you’re adding other ingredients. But, it’s best to stay with plain, unflavored yogurt , no matter what brand or type you select.
application: Apply only as amount of yogurt as you require to apply it to your face, ranging between 1/3 to 1/2 cup. Apply directly on your face, or apply one or two teaspoons of olive oil, honey, or turmeric for a facial boost.
- Wear it and eat it: Nutrition to have the most beautiful skin
The list would not be complete without discussing the food you put in your body and the products you apply to it. The major part of the health of your skin is based on what you consume. Look at the first item in our top 10 list.
We’ve discussed vitamin A, D, E, and K, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances you can apply on your skin. But, these same nutrients are more effective when you consume them as component of a healthy diet.
Consuming a balanced diet of fruits and fruits (they’re loaded with antioxidants) and vegetables provides the cells of your skin with nutrients needed for a radiant healthy, radiant skin.
Do you remember the tea bags we mentioned that you could reduce swelling? If you consume the tea, you’ll receive a substantial dose of nutrients for your skin as well. There will be less need for external skin care when your internal requirements are satisfied.
To be certain, we’ren’t saying you have to take everything from our list. Do not eat the baking soda, sunscreen (unless it’s been baked into something delicious) and aloe gel. Some things aren’t designed to be a part of the pie hole.
Reminder: 8 common at-home skin-related mistakes to be aware of and avoid
In terms of things to stay clear of There’s an abundance of information available on the internet regarding what you can and should not apply to your skin. Since everyone’s skin is different Here are a few points to keep in mind when developing a routine for your skin.
Beware of long periods of time in the sun, and exposed to the sunlight. Sun damage can cause uneven coloration, premature aging or skin cancer. Protect yourself, apply sunscreen and be sure to apply a second time.
Keep an eye out for lemons and other citrus fruit. Their high acidity is frequently utilized to combat acne. However, lemons as well as other fruits of the citrus are a source of the chemical psoralen, which can make the skin sensitive to UV for several hours , and severe burns may be experienced. Citrus may also trigger skin pigmentation or blisters that can last for months.
Do not go overboard. Using home or OTC treatments for your skin too frequently could cause irritation to the skin, causing acne, inflammation, or itchy skin. The majority of people only require exfoliation at least once or twice a week, unless they suffer from oily skin. Cleanse your face in the morning, in the evening, and apply sunscreen and moisturizer regularly. Masks and additional washes can be fun ways to improve your skin’s appearance occasionally but shouldn’t be an everyday routine.
Do not ignore the type of skin you have. Is your skin dry or oily? Is your tzone (the forehead as well as the nose and chin) an area of concern? The type you have for your face will aid in determining which kinds of skin treatments perform best. If you’re prone for breakouts, stay away from products that block pores, such as olive oil. If you have t-zone or mixed skin, you may require different treatments for your cheeks than on your nose and forehead.
Don’t touch! Your hands carry dirt as well as bacteria and oil that can clog pores, which could cause breakouts. Make sure to keep bacteria away by not to touch your face, and always wash your hands prior to applying any product on your skin.
Beware of the toothpaste. This popular face treatment may cause breakouts and scarring if it contains the incorrect ingredients!
Take your time with cinnamon. cinnamon. Cinnamon’s natural antibacterial properties may help to treat acne. However, it could cause irritation to the skin and is an allergen that is commonly used. Don’t apply it to your face without first performing an initial patch test and mixing it in with yogurt, honey or any other mild ingredient.