How to help a child learn a new language?
For a child to express himself fluently in two or more languages, he must hear them frequently and have the chance to tell them. In some districts, such education happens inherently if the wording in the query is given as much as the other and if the child is in contact with other family members or staff who tell them. Also Read: U Words for kids
Parents shouldn’t mix languages in the same sentence when addressing their child, as this can harm the learning of the minority language. However, the mixing of languages does not harm the overall development of the language.
When one of the two parents says a juvenility speech
If one of the parents speaks French and the other a minority language, it is essential to multiply the opportunities the child is exposed to the minority language. Adopting a positive attitude towards this language is necessary to promote learning because the toddler understands very early that one of his languages is not widely used outside his home. Also Read: Kids Education Learning
As he is naturally more exposed to the language of the majority, the child develops less of his ability to express himself in the minority language. This can lead him to understand the latter but not know how to speak it.
A child can learn to read and write in French and another language. To help him learn, it is essential to explain the differences between the two languages. For sample, for a kid who knows knowing to read and report in French and Arabic, we can tell that the purpose of writing differs according to the language. In French, we read from left to right, while in Arabic, we read from right to left.
When to worry?
If you have the belief that your kid has a language delay compared to children of his age in the language he has been most exposed to since birth, consult a speech therapist.
If your child is learning a new language at daycare, make an appointment with a speech therapist if he expresses himself very little or not at all after several months of exposure or if he seems unable to communicate appropriately with those around him. after two years of exposure to this language.
However, it is not necessary to speak to your child in only one language if he has a language delay. Research shows that talking to him in two languages should not worsen his difficulties.
Tips to promote bilingualism in your child
Talk to your kid in your born language. Also, use it when you play with him. You are a better role model for him when you use the language you know best. Remember that it is much better to speak to him in your native language than to say very little to him.
Develop a social network where both languages are used. Attending social gatherings, community events, and other activities with people who speak each language helps your child practice each language and understand that both are valuable and valued.
Visit family members who speak the minority language or host them in your home. Stays abroad or visits from extended family members also promote the learning of this language.
What is a minority language?
A minority language is used by a minority of people in a society, while the majority uses a majority language. There are a variety of minority languages. For example, English and Tamil are two minority languages in Quebec, but at different levels. English is used by a larger community than Tamil, making it easier to learn this language.
How to help your child to pronounce well?
Please don’t ask your toddler to repeat a word he mispronounced after you. Such a request cuts off the conversation, can decrease your child’s desire to talk and highlights a difficulty. Some children may be okay with repeating, but others will get angry or lose confidence in their ability to speak.
Also, don’t tell him that a word he just said wasn’t pronounced correctly. Your child needs encouragement to want to keep trying to say the words.
Say the word he mispronounced correctly, emphasizing the sound(s) that cause the problem. For example, if your child says “gagourt,” you can answer: “Yes, it’s yogourt!” Your kid may test to duplicate the mispronounced term without you holding to invite him to. Suppose he can pronounce the dish well, praise him (“bravo, you said it well!”). Otherwise, encourage him for his efforts. If your child doesn’t repeat the word, that’s okay: at least he will have heard the correct pattern.
When to consult?
If you often have difficulty understanding your child and his pronunciation worries you, talk to his doctor or a CLSC worker. If critical, you will be directed to a lesson therapist. In the majority of cases, pronunciation problems are resolved relatively quickly.