It is a term that describes the position in which a person holds their body when sitting or
standing. Poor posture can give rise to back and joint pain. More and more children, teenagers,
and adults are sitting down in front of a computer for school work, and leisure time, and this
makes it difficult to maintain the correct posture which as a result, causes Dorsalgia.
People tend to sit or stand in incorrect postures, such as slouching or crossing their legs, through
habit. However, this can affect the shape of the muscles and cause irregularities in the skeleton.
What is Dorsalgia?
The word dorsalgia comes from the words “dorsal,” which means back, and “algia,” which
means pain. Dorsalgia generally refers to back or spine pain.
However, while dorsalgia includes spinal-related pain like lower back pain, mid back pain, and
sciatica pain. Dorsalgia includes back pain that begins in the back muscles, nerves, and joints.
However, the symptoms are given below:
● You may feel a sharp or stinging pain in your back or only your neck.
● numbness in the upper and lower extremities.
Overall, a change of posture is painful for patients with dorsalgia.
Depending on the intensity and longevity of your dorsalgia, your healthcare provider will likely
recommend starting out with conservative treatments like physical therapy, at-home remedies,
and medication. If those treatments fail to relieve your pain, then slightly more invasive
treatments like dry needling or injections could help you. If your pain still persists, then surgery
may be necessary.
Define posture corrector?
Posture correctors are external devices used to help improve posture by addressing muscle
imbalances that occur when a person spends long periods of time in a stoop position.
Types of Posture Correctors:
Posture correctors come in different forms and knowing which type will best benefit your body
is important for achieving healthy results. There are two types of posture,
● Dynamic posture refers to how one holds themselves while in motion, such as walking,
running, and bending.
● Static posture is how someone holds themselves while being still, in a sitting, standing, or
sleeping position.
Why does good posture matter?
Good posture is important for more than just an appealing look; it helps to improve your overall
health and well-being. Being mindful of your posture and making corrections as needed can help
you achieve proper posture.
Your spine consists of three natural curvatures that need to be aligned correctly so that your
weight is evenly distributed over both of your feet. The three curves include:
● Cervical curve – this is the curve in your neck that has a slight forward curve.
● Thoracic curve – this is the curve in your upper and mid-back that has a slight backward
● Lumbar curve – this is the curve in your lower back that has a slight forward curve.
However, you know that good posture can also:
● Boost your energy levels.
● Help you breathe better.
● Make you appear taller.
How to cure dorsalgia?
So, some exercises are given below for good posture
1) Isometric rows
This exercise helps to relieve pain and stiffness from sitting in one place for too long. Isometric
pulls work your shoulder, arm, and back muscles, giving you the strength to maintain good
To do this:
1. Sit in a chair with a softback.
2. Breathe deeply as you hold this position for 10 seconds.
3. On an inhale, slowly release to the starting position.
4. Repeat this movement for 1 minute.
Do this exercise several times throughout the day
You can use a side plank to maintain the alignment of your spine and legs. This energizing pose
works the muscles in your sides and glutes. Strengthening and aligning these muscles helps to
support your back and improve posture.
To do this:
1. From a high plank position, bring your left hand slightly into the center.
2. Align your body in a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels.
3. Look straight ahead of you or up toward your hand.
4. Hold this pose for up to 30 seconds.
5. Repeat on the opposite side.
3) High plank
The high plank pose helps to relieve pain and stiffness throughout your body while strengthening
your shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings. It also helps you develop balance and strength in your
core and back, both important for good posture.
1. Come onto all fours and straighten your legs, lift your heels, and raise your hips.
2. Straighten your back and engage your abdominal, arm, and leg muscles.
3. Lengthen the back of your neck, soften your throat, and look down at the floor.
4. Make sure to keep your chest open and your shoulders back.
5. Hold this position for up to 1 minute at a time.
What to Look for in a Posture Corrector?
While most patients can buy an over-the-counter posture corrector. Typing “posture corrector” in
an online search bar will return pages of options. This is good news if you know what you’re
looking for. Otherwise, it can feel overwhelming. When determining which posture corrector is
right for you, here are a few things to consider.
Narrowing your search to posture correctors that focus on key areas can increase a product’s
effectiveness. The areas of posture that are most important are the:
● neck
● cervical thoracic junction
● lower back
When searching for a posture corrector, it’s important to find one that will adjust to your body
size and needs. Some posture correctors are made with adjustable straps to customize the user’s
experience while wearable devices can be adjusted to turn off the vibrations but still collect
posture data.
No matter how effective a posture corrector maybe, if it’s too uncomfortable, people will
struggle to wear it. And if people don’t wear it. The efficacy factor becomes irrelevant.
Area of support
Posture correctors come in a variety of styles that support your neck, lower back, or your entire
upper body. Make sure you choose a product that fits your needs and targets the area you need
the most support.
Additional Ways to Improve Posture
There are many exercises and lifestyle adjustments you can implement to improve posture, with
or without the supplemental use of a posture corrector.
Maintain a healthy weight to help remove stress from the spine and strengthen abdominal
muscles. “Obesity and being overweight could put you at risk for having posture dysfunction as
you age,” If someone has a lot of extra-abdominal weight, it’s always pulling forward on their
torso and joints have to counteract that force that’s being pulled. That could introduce wear and
tear on the front of the joints that are not supposed to be there.”
Be aware of your posture throughout the day while sitting, standing, walking, and going about
daily activities.
Live an active lifestyle to keep your core strong. Exercises like tai chi and yoga can help
increase body awareness and assist with posture.
Stay hydrated to prevent strain in the spine, pain, and bulging discs. Drinking enough water
ensures there’s fluid moving through the vertebrae.