Yoga is an essential part of your life. It allows you to relax and has the ability to integrate inner strength. It is now common to learn yoga and get a certificate to teach it. Yoga teacher training has become an increasingly popular option, with everything available online. The 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Course is a highly sought-after course that enables you to fully grasp the meaning of yoga. You will learn everything you need to know about yoga, from its nuances to its postures, in just 200 hours.
Online yoga teacher training has its advantages and disadvantages.
1. Travelling to a yoga center near your home or some distance from home will cost you money. Fuel and local transport will be additional expenses. You don’t have to travel for the online 200-hour yoga teacher training course. You can complete it at your own home. Online courses are more affordable than traveling because you don’t have to travel.
2. You have wider access to courses:
You have the option to choose from many institutes online when you are looking for a yoga class and you have many options to choose from. This is a big advantage over the few courses offered by a specific institute near you. This allows you to compare prices and find the right course for you.
3. Flexibility in Time:
Online teacher training classes are unique because you can record the classes and then practice your lessons on your own time. It is an ideal option for families with children. Online yoga training is extremely valuable because you can access other study material and the live classes are recorded.
4. Plenty of Space
You will need to share your space with other trainees if you are taking a teacher training class at an institute. You will be able to use less space for your practice. Online 200-hour yoga teacher training has the advantage that you can exercise more comfortably in your own home.
5. Register quickly
Register online for the online yoga classes. You can also pay the fee online. You can save time and attend classes when you are able. There is no need for you to fill up the registration paper form and all that hassle.
6. For beginners who feel awkward practicing poses in front of others, online yoga classes can be a great option. Online classes will allow them to avoid any embarrassment they may face if they don’t do a pose correctly.
For residential yoga course – 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh
The cons of doing yoga teacher training online:
1. There is less face-to-face interaction
The downside to the 200-hour online yoga teacher training course is that you cannot have face-to-face interactions with your teacher. This means that you might not be able to ask questions as often as you need. Direct communication is also a better way to communicate with others.
2. There is no interaction with fellow learners:
The online teacher training program is not designed to allow you to communicate with other yoga students. You will be able to share your views and learn in a more relaxed environment, where all doubts are cleared.
3. No proper monitoring:
Online classes are not as monitored by a yoga instructor as in a studio. You need to be aware that yoga poses require careful supervision by yoga teachers. The teacher cannot correct the postures in virtual or online classes. This could have a negative impact on your ability to learn yoga.
4. Insufficient commitment:
The downside to virtual classes is that it may be difficult to schedule a time for your exercise at home. This is in direct contrast to the commitment made by yoga studios, where students dedicate their time to learning the art.
5. Technical Glitch:
There is always the possibility of technical issues with your internet connection when you are taking an online class. This could cause problems in the smooth running of your class. It is possible to miss other parts of your course.
Yoga can help you stay healthy and balanced. It can help you control your senses and channel energy throughout the body. Yoga is a great way to maintain good health. Yoga, which originated in India, has been known to help with mental peace and stress relief. This is why yoga has been a favorite of millions around the globe.
The 200 Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training aims to help you understand the role of yoga in your life, its many practices, asanas, and how to adapt it to “satvik” life. This means you should live a simple, non-materialistic life. Yoga is meant to help you become a better person. Yoga teacher training will allow you to open your own studio and teach peace in life. Online training courses for 200 hours can help you save a lot of time and effort. Every prospect is unique and has its own set of disadvantages. Is that not true?