For decades, marijuana in the media has been nothing more than an illegal narcotic used to get people high, and marijuana users are drug addicts and hippies looking for a way to escape reality. As more states legalize medicinal marijuana, these negative stereotypes are being debunked as “scare tactics” and replaced with scientific evidence supporting marijuana as a health and wellness help.
Marijuana was prohibited in the United States when senior folks were growing up. As a result, the golden generation may be the most uninformed about marijuana while simultaneously, strangely, being the age group that benefits the most from this natural plant.
The following are facts concerning medical marijuana that older citizens should be aware of.
Marijuana Is Safer Than A Lot Of The Recommended Drugs.
Prescription medicines are taken by the majority of seniors daily. Marijuana’s “side effects” are minor when compared to the adverse effects of numerous prescription medications. Also, no one has died from a cannabis overdose. According to 30-year research, a 140-pound person would have to eat nearly 4 pounds of marijuana in one session to reach hazardous levels, and that quantity would still not be lethal. Marijuana’s potent antioxidant properties can help with various ailments, including Hepatitis C-related liver inflammation, lupus, irritable bowel syndrome, and various other serious medical illnesses that all include inflammation and oxidative damage.
You Can Reduce Many Prescription Drugs With Marijuana.
One of the common complaints among seniors about their daily medications is that the first pill frequently causes adverse effects that the second pill is supposed to “fix.” “Inflamed joints, chronic pain, digestive issues, constipation, headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, cognitive awareness, and more are all conditions that marijuana can help with. When you use marijuana in conjunction with opiate-based painkillers, for example, the effects of the opioids are often improved, resulting in a reduction in the use of prescription medications.
There Are Marijuana Strains That Don’t Give You A “High.”
Many of the elderly we met with indicated, “If I could receive the medicinal benefit from the plant without the high, I’d try it.” Harvest farmers have created and are actively generating high-potency CBD genetic strains with minor psychotropic effects. CBD, or cannabidiol, relieves inflammation, decreases anxiety, stimulates bone growth, suppresses muscular spasms, and improves mental focus. There are products you can get through weed delivery in Santa Monica that will not give you a buzz. These have proven to be particularly effective in treating arthritis pain, nausea, and muscular spasms.
You Can Use Marijuana In Various Ways Other Than Smoking.
One widespread misperception among senior citizens is that they must smoke it to reap the medicinal benefits of marijuana. Dispensaries and marijuana delivery services offer various liquid extracts, infused honey, candies, baked goods, and other items.
Marijuana-infused Ointments Can Help Relieve The Discomfort Of Arthritis And Neuropathy.
For joints, muscle, and back pains, locally created medicated lotions are highly popular. They are powerful, smell beautiful, and don’t give you a “high,” so you may use them throughout the day with confidence.
Marijuana Does Not Affect Your IQ Or Causes Any Damage To Your Brain.
Another prevalent misunderstanding among senior citizens is that marijuana might impair IQ or cause brain damage. There is no evidence that cannabis causes brain cells to shrink or die. Marijuana appears to progressively create new neural pathways in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, allowing those with reduced brain function to halt further deterioration and encourage brain activity potentially.
Marijuana Can Help You Eat More.
Loss of your appetite, which leads to weight loss, is one of the most significant health problems for senior individuals. Marijuana has proven to be an effective nausea reliever and appetite stimulator.
However, a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology finds an intriguing link between marijuana usage and body weight, revealing that those who smoke marijuana at least three times a week had a third lower risk of obesity than those who don’t use marijuana at all.
Cannabis For Medical Purposes
Deciding to use cannabis for medical purposes should be made in conjunction with a physician. The data regarding cannabis’ usefulness and safety in the treatment of medical ailments is continuously developing. The little evidence that exists isn’t particular to older people. There have been studies that demonstrate that cannabis may have some medical benefits in some situations, such as:
- Chemotherapy causes nausea and vomiting.
- Multiple sclerosis
- Neuropathic pain
- Palliative pain
Changes in the Brain, Both Positive and Negative
Another dilemma for older persons is the psychoactivity or high that cannabis produces. With the option to purchase cannabis in medical dispensaries, there is more control over the types or strains of cannabis that can be bought and consumed. It is easier to avoid getting high by limiting the dose and keeping the THC level low.
To prevent the psychoactive effects of marijuana, strains that are low in THC (the psychoactive chemical) and high in CBD (the non-intoxicating chemical) may be preferred. Even yet, if an older person has had delirium or other psychiatric issues, they and their doctors should continue with caution.
Interestingly, some study suggests that when people take medical cannabis, their cognitive performance improves due to more excellent sleep and pain control, among other things. Older people may be taking lower doses of pain and sleep drugs, which can impair thinking, to battle the adverse effects of chronic pain and insomnia, both of which impair cognitive performance. However, like with other cannabis-related topics, more research is needed to confirm and clarify.
So, What’s The Bottom Line?
Cannabis usage among the elderly is increasing as the drug becomes more widely accepted and stigmatized. Medical marijuana is becoming more widely recognized as a viable choice for treating insomnia and chronic pain. If you have heart concerns, are taking numerous drugs, or are experiencing cognitive changes due to age; it’s critical to have an informed discussion with your doctor to balance the safety risks.
Before beginning to consume cannabis, educate yourself (and your doctor) as much as possible. The majority of the adverse effects associated with cannabis use are dose-related; so it’s crucial to know the strength of the marijuana you’re using and to “start low and go slow.”
Seniors are the group of people who are using medical marijuana at the fastest rate. There is no other explanation for this beyond the fact that it is profitable for them. Suppose you’re in pain or have chronic pain and want to explore different choices. Those possibilities include an organically and locally cultivated herb that has been third-party tested. Medical marijuana can be a beneficial addition to your “wellness toolkit.”