When you encounter financial difficulties, keeping up-to-date on property taxes can be a challenging task. In this difficult economic period, it is common for homeowners to see this tax amount add up to unmanageable levels. When you see these taxes accumulating, you may be worried about what you will do if you receive a notice stating that the government has imposed a lien on the property.
If you don’t have the money to pay back your taxes, however, applying for a tax loan may be an option for you. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of applying and to move toward the relief and peace of mind you need. Here are some of the clear benefits of such loans:
Pays your overdue property tax bill
These loans are specifically used to pay tax debts. The lender who provides these particular loans will work with the tax office in your area to find out exactly how much you owe and how much is considered overdue. Afterward, the lender will process the loan documents and send the payment directly to the tax collector if approved.
Includes assistance from experienced professionals
If your debt situation worsens, oftentimes you must call the tax collector to see if payment can be arranged. This may take a long time, and there may be a lot of stress in the process. If you apply for tax loans, however, you are not responsible for contacting all relevant departments. The lender can perform these calls and tasks for you so that you can stay sane and save time. To make things even simpler, though, save any overdue tax notices that you receive. They may be helpful when you talk to experts for advice.
Saves your home from eviction
If you don’t pay property taxes for an extended period of time, you may lose your home. If you plan to sell your home at any time in the near future, you may wish to first pay and update your property taxes before removing any liens or other obligations–though taxes can also be paid during the sale of the home. Losing a home or even being unable to sell a home due to late tax payments is terrible, but avoidable. Getting a loan can help you prevent foreclosures and ensure that there are no delays when you try to sell and gain a new start financially.
Points to Remember With This Loan Type
If you need a property loan, the last thing you want is for it to cause you more financial problems. Be sure to follow these tips to make sure everything proceeds with little to no hassle:
Don’t avoid payments
As you already know — avoiding the problem will not make it go away. There is no better example of this than tax debt. Failure to pay taxes can be one of the costliest mistakes a person can make. According to the law, if you do not pay, your county or other tax authorities can impose penalties or fines that get higher and higher over time. Penalties can include interest and attorneys’ fees. They can range from 24% to 47% in the first year alone, and they continue to increase relentlessly each year. If it comes down to either applying for a loan or ignoring your payments, then a loan can save your life.
Find the best lender
Not all tax lenders are created equal. First off, a tax lender must be licensed in your state. To confirm that a lender is indeed properly licensed:
- Ask for their license number
- If they refuse to give it to you, do not agree to work with them
- Perform a bit of research on each lender by checking their rating
After choosing a lender, be sure to obtain as much information as possible about their terms, including the grace period. This way, you will know exactly what to expect.
Know the specific purpose of the loan
Your loan is issued to prevent foreclose on your property, which enables you to keep your home. If you get to the point where you can’t pay all of the taxes you owe, the lender can pay the fees and make a repayment plan for you so that you can pay off the loan based on your personal financial situation.
After the lender pays your tax debt, the lien on your property will be transferred from your tax department to the lender. If you default on the loan, the lender becomes the party who can then foreclose on your property. So although a property tax loan does not come without risk, it can enable you to keep your house, set up a payment plan, and communicate directly with the party that controls the finances of your property.
If you are facing serious problems making your tax payments, consult with our professionals right away. If you need a Texas commercial loan or San Antonio Property Tax Loans, we can help you manage your debt going forward and lock down a loan without more stress and hardship.