This is no consolation, but real facts. Divorce is always frustrating, but even divorce has obvious benefits for you and your future.
Your finances
When it comes to budgeting, you’ll have to learn to rely only on yourself. The good news is that women tend to be more prudent in spending when they are alone. You get unexpected savings, even if your family’s funds were barely enough for meals. The fact is that the cost of food for one man is comparable to the food for a woman and three children together.
You can earn more if you realize that all responsibility for your family and yourself is on you. You may be able to earn more if you accept full responsibility for your family and yourself. In 60% of cases after a divorce, this is exactly what happens.
Your relationship
You know exactly which partner you no longer want to be around. In an attempt to save a marriage with a person with whom you feel bad, you did not have time to think “do I need this?”. You get unexpected savings, even if your family’s funds were barely enough for meals.
If you fear that you have lost a jack of all trades, then you are wrong. After divorce, most women discover that they are capable of accomplishing many sacred things on their own, such as “nails in the wall”. And men also feel the same way. After divorce, they can cook by themselves or wash dishes, clean the house and arrange some parties which he thought he couldn’t. These are the pluses.
Your career
Nobody can roll your career anymore. Just look at the example of J.K. Rowling with her Harry Potter. You don’t need to stay at home all day as a housewife. Dust off your college degree, stop being a gray housewife. Some of you can’t give time to your own career, due to you getting married to the wrong person, and only after divorce does you realize that you can do much more.
Now that you are not busy sorting out your relationship with your husband, you can give your children all the attention that they lacked before.
To your health
Married people live longer. Correction: happily married. High-stress levels in marriage are life-saving. If you will be in stress every time, it will be bad for your health, because we all know what stress can do to people.
Your friends
Divorce is the best time to understand what your friends are really worth. Some of your acquaintances will simply stop communicating with you. Another part will start teaching you or lament over your grief. And only true friends will simply ask if you need anything or how they can actually help you?
You might be shocked to learn that many women only began traveling after their divorce, both independently and with children. No more arguing about where to go. No more vacation approvals. And, in the end, it is significantly cheaper.
So don’t be afraid to decide to give divorce. Divorce and family attorneys in Manhattan will help you to do this without any stress.