Computers and Technology

The Effects of Smartphones to Human Brain

Technology and Smartphones are a major part of our civilization. It permeates every aspect of our lives—personal, professional, and even the outlets for leisure we use to unwind. Screens are present in every aspect of our life, from our employment to the education of our kids. We cannot overlook the necessity for or our dependence on cellphones in our daily lives given that over 3.5 billion people globally possess and use them. We are aware that they provide us with many conveniences; with the power of microprocessors at our disposal, we can easily locate nearly any piece of information. We utilize them to order goods, make schedules, and for educational purposes as well. However, what about the research linking brain activity and cell phones? Can the regular use of mobile devices frequently alter how our brains function? Let’s look at the information that the scientific community has to provide us about cell phones and the brain.

Effects of Smartphones to the Human Brain

Smartphone Use Can Affect Emotional and Social Skills

You spend less time engaging with people in person the more time you spend staring at a screen. Strong relationships and interpersonal connections, which are crucial for mental health and the general well-being of the community, are made more challenging as a result.

The depth of communication is lost while having a conversation on the phone or by texting, “Before cellphones, every engagement was face-to-face. Smartphones and other technologies can make us less patient with real conversations with people in our life since they provide information and entertainment quickly. Additionally, depression might result from a lack of face-to-face engagement.

Smartphones May Cause Brain “Laziness”

You no longer need to memorize a phone number or use a map to navigate your way around town because smartphones take care of these tasks for you. According to research, using your smartphone excessively can make you mentally lazy.

Giving people the option to store information remotely, outside of their brains, makes them more dependent on it, which may be detrimental to their memory. They lose the ability to remember things as freshly as they could without that external aid because they grow overly dependent on it.

Effects of Smartphones on IQ and Productivity

The key finding of a recent study is that those who used their smartphones the most underperformed compared to those who used them less. Most people multitask to complete tasks faster. Though it isn’t, it seems more efficient. According to psychological research, even brief mental lapses brought on by switching between tasks might cost up to 40% of one’s productive time.

After some time, the brain starts actively looking for methods to fill up the spaces between tasks. It gets tougher to multitask the more you try. According to additional research, multitasking can harm your short-term memory and falsely lower your IQ by up to 10 points.

According to research, context switching reduces productivity by making us feel hurried, overworked, and more susceptible to burnout. If you want to do your best work, you must understand how your screen time affects the rest of your career.

It is estimated that 76,000 persons have sustained head and neck injuries as a result of using mobile phones over the past 20 years.

Smartphones May Cause Brain Cancer

Cell phone users frequently worry that excessive use could lead to cancer. According to data and studies compiled by the American Cancer Society, it is still unclear if cellphone use affects cancer rates conclusively or tends to be improbable.

The fundamental functionality of cell phones is the root cause of this worry. Cell towers transmit data and calls to smartphones using RF (radiofrequency) waves. The amount of energy a phone emits or consumes while in use depends on several factors, including the user’s proximity to a cell tower, the phone’s model, and the functions being utilized.

The Positive Impact of Smartphones

Effect of Mobile Phones on Student Education

Our daily lives are made much easier by mobile phones. Additionally, it can enhance our economy, educational system, etc. There are many benefits to using a mobile phone. It has bad sides in addition to nice sides. All college and high school kids use their phones every day as a result of this dire scenario. Not everyone can afford a laptop or PC. For education, though, anyone can purchase a smartphone. A mobile phone costs a great deal less than a laptop or a computer. Students can utilize their phones for a variety of purposes, for example, students use a smartphone for taking online classes, or for searching on an online platform like help with my assignment from which they seek help in completing their assignments.

According to the survey, the majority of American adults believe that smartphone use, such as the use of e-readers for schoolwork, positively impacts young people’s education in the country. Students can access educational programs, for example, if students want to take admitted an MBA course so they can easily open or download the MBA college application on their phones and check the admission criteria with the use of technology.

Also, some students think assignment writing is crucial and time-consuming so, in this scenario, students often go towards online writing services. A site as if MBA assignment help offers all educational level assignments these services assist the student with the best writing papers.

Additionally, smartphones satisfy a fundamental human need by allowing students to pass the time between tasks and get some rest.

Final Thoughts

Young people today could gain from the educational assistance, safety, and security that cell phones offer, as well as by using social media in a way that safeguards their mental health. We can instantly access many databases and documents through cell phones. Using tools like health software, good habits can be promoted and monitored. Parents may help keep their kids safe by using GPS monitoring.

Set aside “phone-free” time to enjoy your family. Reading a book instead of using the computer can also be freeing. Your improved emotional stability or mental health may be enough to sustain you after you cut back on your phone use.


BAW.2019.  Effective Implications of AI for Digital Marketing Online Available at: <> (Accessed: 27 June 2022). Zhang, M.X. and Wu, A.M., 2020. Effects of smartphone addiction on sleep quality among Chinese university students: The mediating role of self-regulation and bedtime procrastination. Addictive Behaviors111, p.106552.

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