This is how it’s done: stairwell cleaning and cleaning schedule compliance
A regularly and thoroughly cleaned stairwell is in the interest of all residents. However, this is sometimes not so easy to implement. Especially when we did not clearly regulate the stairwell cleaning, or it does not follow the cleaning schedule.
Who is actually responsible for regular stairwell cleaning? Is this the responsibility of the landlord or the tenant? How can the cleaning schedule be observed in everyday life?
We have put together all the practical information about stairwell cleaning for you in this article.
Basic question: Who has to clean the stairwell?
Good to know: the landlord must bear This. He must enable the contractual use of the rental property.
If the landlord takes over the stairwell cleaning himself or if he commissions a cleaning service, this must be clearly stated in the rental agreement. In this way, the resulting costs can be passed on to the tenant.
Note for owners: The stairwell cleaning in an apartment building is a cost for building cleaning. Landlords can pass these on to the tenant as part of the operating costs.
Staircase cleaning by tenants?
The tenant must then clean the stairwell if this is stipulated as an obligation in the rental agreement. House rules determine who cleans the stairwell, when, and with what regularity.
Note for tenants: As a tenant, you must meet your contractual obligations to clean the stairwell. If you neglect your obligation or do not meet it in good time, the tenant may commission a cleaning company without setting a deadline.
Note for landlords and tenants: If the tenant does not meet his cleaning obligations, the costs incurred for cleaning by the professional cleaning service can be charged to the tenant without warning!
Prepare stairwell cleaning
Precise planning is essential in preparing for the stairwell cleaning. Only when everyone involved knows who will clean the stairwell and when can a clean stairwell really be implemented in everyday life.
Avoid disputes between landlords and tenants:
Owners or landlords must define in advance exactly how the stairwell needs to be cleaned and which areas that may be used jointly, such as a laundry room, basement, or attic access, are included.
As the owner, it is best to record all the information about the stairwell cleaning in writing in the house rules or in a cleaning plan.
Inform each new tenant about the conditions in your apartment building and have the tenant confirm their knowledge in writing.
The easiest way to do this is with a corresponding note or paragraph in the rental agreement.
If the tenant signs the rental contract, he also confirms in writing that he has noted the cleaning of the stairwell. This also applies if the cleaning is carried out by a cleaning service and we pass the costs on to the tenant.
This saves you discussions or disputes with tenants who feel they have been treated unfairly or who cannot correctly assess the activity.
Staircase cleaning information:
- What is involved in cleaning the stairwell? Are there any other shared rooms that need to be considered when cleaning?
- Which activities must be carried out as part of the stairwell cleaning?
- Who cleans the stairwell? The owner, himself, or a cleaning service commissioned by him or the tenants of the house?
- Where is all information about stairwell cleaning collected? Are there precise house rules and a cleaning plan with rules for complying with the cleaning plan?
If the owner commissions a cleaning service to clean the stairwell, we record all activities that include cleaning the stairwell in a contract in advance.
Tip for owners: Discuss all tasks related to cleaning the stairwell and have a non-binding offer made for you. In this way, you can ensure that your residential property is cleaned professionally and regularly by commissioned specialists.
When preparing to clean a stairwell, the right auxiliary and cleaning agents are crucial. A commissioned cleaning service takes care of the right tools and also knows the right tricks to ensure that the surfaces to be cleaned remain acidic and hygienically clean for a long time.
Tenants who take on cleaning the stairwell are free to choose the cleaning agents. The landlord cannot make these compulsory. However, tenants should think carefully about how they proceed.
For example, it can make sense to first vacuum certain areas to prepare for cleaning the stairwell.
Even if it may seem more complex at first glance, a vacuumed surface is much easier to wipe, because there are hardly any coarse dirt particles that are stubbornly stuck in the cloth or cleaning water.
Practical tips for cleaning the stairwell
If tenants or a cleaning service must clean the stairwell, this usually includes both sweeping and wiping. In addition, there is the cleaning of the window sills and railings.
As a landlord, define in a cleaning plan exactly the stairwell cleaning and how the work is to be divided up. Record the following points on a cleaning plan and hang it up in the stairwell where it is clearly visible to everyone:
- Date, week, month
- Weekday
- A task like vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting, and other tasks
- Responsible person/residential unit
As the owner or landlord, explain to the tenants in advance what the consequences are if it does not follow the cleaning schedule.
Non-compliance with the cleaning plan by the tenant: In the
Event of non-compliance, you may hire a cleaning service to take over the tenant’s tasks. The tenant must pay the bill for the cleaning service.
Adherence to the cleaning plan–an efficient helper: A simple sign with the inscription can help tenants to find their way around and as a reminder to also comply with the cleaning plan. We always hang the sign on the apartment door of the tenant who has the obligation to clean the house in the current week.
Caution: danger of slipping stairwell cleaning
Especially during or immediately after cleaning the stairwell, damp floors pose an enormous risk of slipping. Owners should rely on a simple warning sign that the cleaning service or the tenant in charge puts up before cleaning and only removes when the floors are dry again.
The display with the inscription “Caution, slipping” can protect against serious falls and point out a danger in good time.
The responsibility initially lies with the person who enters the stairwell, at least if they can see that it has just been mopped, but this can be quite difficult in individual cases. A warning sign not only protects against falls in advance but can also protect against claims for damages in the event of a fall.
That’s how it’s done right! With our information about stairwell cleaning, you will not only succeed in adhering to the cleaning plan, you can also enjoy a clean and well-kept stairwell at any time.