We all know that dogs are dependable when it comes to protecting their owners.
They are even trained to sniff off bombs and attack on command! In instances like that, we often imagine a German Shepherd, a Rottweiler, or even a Pit Bull.
Those are the type of dogs that we commonly visualize as aggressive. But did you know that smaller dogs, Witty Rogue Names
like Chihuahua and Dachshund, are considered more aggressive than these large dogs? Yes, although they are normally seen as cute and harmless,
these dogs are actually likely to bite you rather than large dogs. Deceptive, right?
So, here is a list of the Top 10 Most Aggressive Dogs In The World. Remember, size does not matter!
1- Dachshund
1- Dachshund
Surprisingly, this long and short-legged dog is more likely to bite both strangers and masters, than any other dog.
Of course, it may seem harmless because of it size and, most likely, the bit is not as fatal, but studies show that 1 out of 5 dachshunds has bitten istanbul escort strangers.
This breed is very difficult to train and discipline, so just picture how they will be when they get furious! Mostly, dachshunds are aggressive to strangers and other dogs in their way.
2- Chihuahua
2- Chihuahua
Another small dog that you will never, ever think to be aggressive is a Chihuahua.
Although they are the smallest dog breed in the world, weighing only 6 pounds upon maturity, they are considered very aggressive. In a way, this can be attributed either from their over-loyalty to their owners or from their ‘small dog syndrome’,
wherein their behaviors are encouraged and perpetrated by their own masters to compensate for their small size. They are a no-no for homes that houses toddlers and children.
3- Pit Bull
3- Pit Bull
Coming on to a much larger size than a 6-pound breed, pit bulls are commonly seen as aggressive.
While there are undoubtedly sweet and gentle-natured Pit bulls, they are also the top dog breeds that are trained to fight. And their strong jaws do not help in the situation.
They are likely to have an aggressive instinct, especially to other canines and strangers. There are even a few states that legislate bills supporting the banning of Pit Bull breeding!
4- Dalmatian
4- Dalmatian
When the film 101 Dalmatians was released, this dog breed suddenly went into a popularity craze. However, once they grow into a medium-sized canine,
Dalmatians can actually be less cute than in the movies. Originally, this breed was trained to guard carriages in
Yugoslavia and they were considered as firehouse dogs, back when firemen still used wagons. Therefore, they are naturally protective and independent-minded,
making them a difficult breed to be trained as house dogs, especially if not paid attention to early on.
5- Rottweiler
5- Rottweiler
Rottweilers are commonly seen as aggressive and dangerous, as attributed to their common label as police and guard dogs.
Actually, they were bred to guard and herd livestock in farms in Germany so, naturally, they have in them a protective and responsive instinct.
Currently, they have the second spot in causing fatalities due to dog attacks, especially because of their heavy built and powerful jaws, but they can also be trained to socialize well to prevent this nasty behavior.
6- Doberman Pinschers
6- Doberman Pinschers
Another police or guard dog that has a tendency to display aggressive outbursts is Doberman Pinschers.
They were bred to protect and guard, so tend to be very protective and instinctive. Because they are one of the most loyal dogs to their masters, even a slight threat can turn a Doberman into a frantic craze to defend their owners.
With a weight of 75-90 lbs and a height of 24-26 inches tall, it is difficult to control this breed once they start turning aggressive, especially to strangers.
7- Chow-Chow
7- Chow-Chow
Once you see a chow-chow, it is just so easy to melt away in their furry hair and innocent-looking face. However, this hairball is also known to have one of the short-tempered and unpredictable dog breeds.
A Chow-chow is an ancient Chinese breed known to protect and guard families, so they are very loyal to their masters. But with strangers, not as much.
They are especially suspicious around strangers and can attack a quick bite without a warning.
8- Cocker Spaniel
8- Cocker Spaniel
Most Cocker Spaniels are generally loving and gentle.
However, once they are struck with a genetic disease known as ‘rage syndrome’, they can turn into
one of the nastiest dogs in the world, and you cannot do pretty much anything about it, aside from taking it down.
Because of this disease, it will turn very aggressive to anyone, including family members and his own master! In order to avoid this, it must be trained to socialize well at a very young age.
9- Jack Russell Terrier
9- Jack Russell Terrier
One of the theories why small dogs turn out to be more aggressive than large breeds is in order to compensate for their petite size.
And another dog that projects the same behavior is a Jack Russell Terrier.
This small breed is a very active type of dog, and they all love to play, so it is recommended to train them while still a pup and to regularly take them on walks and play.
Otherwise, they might turn out very aggressive to other dogs and to strangers, as well.
10- German Shepherd
10- German Shepherd
From the name itself, German Shepherds are bred to be guarding and herding dogs.
They are very loyal to their master, very responsive to commands, and very intelligent and independent-minded – all of which make them one of the best guard and police dogs.
This is also why they can turn feisty and aggressive: if they perceive a threat to their masters and if their masters do not take full control of the situation, they will assume the lead escort istanbul role.
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