Germany is increasingly popular with international students. This number is growing every day. This means your qualifications are highly valued in foreign countries, and the skills you acquire will make you stand out in the job market. We have listed the top university in Germany for 2022.
These top 10 universities in Germany are for 2022:
1. Technical University of Munich
Technische Universitat Munchen
The Technical University of Munich, a highly respected institution is well-known for its outstanding teaching and research. There are 15 faculties and approximately 42,705 students in all degree programs. International students account for 32% of the university’s students. The Technical University of Munich offers the following degrees:
- Architecture
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Construction Geo Environment
- Aviation, Space Travel and Geodesy
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Sports and Health Sciences
- Economics
- Medicine
2 Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
This university is centrally located in Europe. It is close to many partner universities. The university offers a variety of joint degree programs and exchange opportunities to students.
- Catholic Theology
- Protestant Theology
- Law
- Munich School of Management Business Administration
- Economics
- Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine
- History and Arts
- Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and the Study of Religion
- Psychology and Educational Sciences
- Statistics, Informatics, and Mathematics
- Culture Study
- Languages and Literature
- Social Sciences
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Geosciences
3 Ruprecht Karl University of Germany
Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg
It is a respected research and teaching institution with a long history. It has a long history of being a respected research and teaching institution.
- Biosciences
- Chemistry and Earth Science
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Astronomy & Physics
- Cultural and Behavioural Studies
- Economics and Social Sciences
- Law
- Modern Languages
- Philosophy
- Astronomy & Physics
- Theology
- Medicine
4 Humboldt University of Berlin
Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
This university is well-respected with around 35,475 students enrolled in its degree programs. Of these, 5,610 are international students.
- Law
- Culture, Education, and Social Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Philosophy
- Linguistics and Literature
- Theology
- Business and Economics
- Medicine (with Joint Institution)
5. KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is dedicated to solving the most urgent problems facing society, industry, and the environment. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is committed to solving the most pressing problems facing society, industry and the environment.
- Architecture
- Geo, Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- Biosciences & Chemistry
- Chemical and Process Engineering
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Economics and Management
- Physics
- Informatics
- Mathematics
6. Free University of Berlin
Freie Universitaet Berlin
This university has a reputation for excellence in science and teaching. The university offers eleven degrees, including one in medicine.
- Biology, Chemistry, & Pharmacy
- Earth Sciences
- Education and Psychology
- History and Cultural Studies
- Law
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Philosophy and Humanities
- Physics
- Social and Political Sciences
- Veterinary Medicine
- Business and Economics
- Medicine (with Joint Institution)
7. RWTH Aachen University
Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen
RWTH Aachen University is well-known for its high-quality education and research. It is known for its innovative solutions to global problems. RWTH Aachen University has been ranked in the top 10. These courses are offered by this university to 11,280 international students
- Mathematics and Computer Science
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Georesources and Materials Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Arts and Humanities
- School of Business and Economics
- Medicine
8. Berlin Institute of Technology
Technische Universitat Berlin (TU Berlin)
This university lies in central Europe. Students can expect a varied and pleasant environment when they are enrolled in degree programs.
- Education and Humanities
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Process Sciences
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Traffic and Machine Systems
- Planning Building Environment
- Economics and Management
9. Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen
Eberhard Karls Universitat Tubingen
Over 500 years, this university has been a center of excellence in research and teaching. These 3,779 students are from abroad.
- Protestant Theology
- Catholic Theology
- Law
- Philosophy
- Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
- Medical School
10 Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg
This university was established in 1457. It offers many degree programs that allow for multidisciplinary, innovative studies.
- Theology
- Law
- Economics and Behavioral Sciences
- Humanities
- Philology
- Biology
- Mathematical and Physical
- Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Medicine
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Engineering
A nation of ideas and knowledge. Also known for its ability to value the time and cooperation of others. Germany is a great choice for post-secondary and post-degree study.
Germany’s universities are world-class, especially for international students, and this is a great bonus.
Out of nearly 450 universities in Germany, only 350 are either publicly funded or state-owned. This may seem strange to students in most developing countries, as private colleges perform better than those owned by the state.
Germany boasts 100 technical universities, all of which are publicly funded. German technical universities are known for their innovative education, which prepares students for research studies and offers direct PhD programs.
India, for example, has 23 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) that provide education to millions of students.
Germany also has 200 applied science universities that offer practice-based education, in addition to technical universities. German industries rely on the skills of graduates from universities of applied sciences.
Two reasons universities in Germany, including technical ones, work well with industry are:
- To keep the curriculum current in accordance with the needs of industry, both nationally and internationally.
- As part of the syllabus, to offer students direct business and industrial internships for at most a semester.
Many Nobel Prizes for literature and arts have been awarded to Germany. The 50 German colleges and universities of literature and fine arts offer a variety of courses that are attractive to students around the world.
Pursuing a Master’s degree in Germany
For a long, Germany is a popular destination for international students pursuing master’s degrees. Germany offers world-class universities that allow international students to study at master’s level and participate in industry internships.
A master’s degree in Germany, particularly at a public university, is a great way to prepare for your future career.
Opportunities for direct work/research studies
A preparatory course in German will be a great help later. It is helpful to know more German to be able to follow the program and to support yourself even when you are looking for part-time work to earn extra income.
Skilled Immigration Act 2020 of Germany allows international master’s degree students to find work while they study and can also switch to working from school if necessary. The most important thing for them is their German language proficiency.
Germany has created English-taught programmes for international students. Direct international programmes are time- and cost-savings. But, the students find it difficult to integrate and learn German after the course. In today’s globalized world, communication skills are crucial in international work environments. International graduates often have difficulty finding employment.