Ustrasana –
Today we will give you detailed information about Ustrasana. So that you can easily practice this asana. If you want to get rid of the problem of diabetes, then you must practice this asana.
The practice of this asana gives you a lot of benefits. This asana not only relieves you from the problem related to diabetes but also gets rid of many other diseases. If you practice this asana regularly, then it removes the problem of your back pain.
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What is Ustrasana?
Human life is such a stage, where ultimate bliss can be attained. For this complete health of the body and complete purity of the mind are necessary. In this series of Yogasanas, Ustrasana is helpful in providing complete health.
Ushtra means camel. In this posture, a camel-like shape is made by folding all the parts of the body. And that’s why we know this asana by the name of Ustrasana. This asana is beneficial for us in many ways.
The rule of doing Ustrasana –
Ustrasana should be done at a slow pace and wear loose clothes. This asana should be practiced in the open air or in a well-ventilated room. When we stretch the body, we breathe in and when we compress the body, we exhale. If you do not understand, then take a natural breath. While doing yoga, spread a thick carpet on the ground so that your energy is not immersed.
Method of doing Ustrasana –
- Sit in Vajrasana. Keeping the palms behind, lift the torso up and spread the ankles and knees equal to the shoulders.
- The toes are facing up. Now hold the right foot under the heel with the right hand and the left foot firmly under the heel with the left hand.
- Now while straightening both the hands, slowly bending the head and torso back, straightening the thighs above the knees, taunt the hands and rise.
- The head and trunk are tilted backward. And the thigh should be straight till the waist. Both the hands should also be the straight and full stem.
- This is the perfect position for Ustrasana. And stay in this position for 10 to 15 seconds. Take a normal breath. After practice, one can remain in the posture for 1 minute.
- Now while exhaling, slowly come into Vajrasana with the help of hands. Do not give any shock to the body.
Benefits of Ustrasana –
This asana is a panacea for back pain. Back pain is mainly caused due to displacement and swelling due to pressure on the L4-L5 discs in the long region of the spine. Spondylitis is caused by always leaning forward or sitting incorrectly.
Ustrasana is helpful in bringing arthritis to its natural state. These fixes slip discs. Cervical pain ends. This asana benefits all the three parts of the spine, neck, back, and waist and gives flexibility and strength, and life.
The digestive system is strengthened by reading the stretch on the stomach. The pancreas is activated, which helps in curing diabetes. This gives relief to the asthma patient. This causes shoulder and back pain. Eyesight increases.
It strengthens the heels, soles, feet, calves, and thighs. This asana also keeps the stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, and lungs healthy. It is beneficial in curing throat diseases like tonsils, thyroid, etc.
All the endocrine glands are activated by this asana. And bestows health and happiness. This asana awakens the Vishuddha Chakra, Anahata Chakra and Manipura Chakra. Releases stress to the whole body, due to which we can become healthy.
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Time to do Ustrasana –
To whichever yoga expert you ask this question, then his answer will be that you should practice Ustrasana in the morning. But there are many such asanas too. Which you can practice at night also. You should practice Ustrasana before eating food.
Care should be taken while doing Ustrasana –
Those who have problems related to high blood pressure and heart disease, should not practice this asana. Practicing Ustrasana should be avoided in chronic pain of the knee, ankle. Pregnant women and menstruating women are prohibited from practicing this asana. The practice of this asana can prove to be harmful in fever or infection.
All yoga asanas should be done slowly with love and happiness. If any part of the body suffers while doing the asana, then the sky should be left. Do not give a shock to any part. At the end of the asana, practicing breathing can prove to be more beneficial for you.
Apart from this, you can try different yoga asanas like Gumukhasana, Chakrasana, and savasana to speed up your recovery & get well soon.