By now, you’ve probably heard someone talk about macros, at your running club, a co-worker, or even a friend who wants to lose (or maintain) their weight . Or maybe you’ve read about the IIFYM diet or flex diet (if it fits your macros) somewhere. You may have even acted as if you knew what they were talking about while thinking ” but what the heck are macros? “. The funny thing is, you ‘re already eating macros every day, even though you may not know it.
So that you are up to date with the IIFYM diet or flexible diet , here we break down what it means to eat adjusting to your macros, how to calculate them, as well as their benefits or even if it is not so advisable to count them and opt for other nutritional methods . All this aimed at runners.
What are macros and how are they counted?
Macros is short for macronutrients, which refers to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins . Carbohydrates (which give you energy) , fats (much reviled when, in fact, they contribute to cell growth, protect organs, maintain body temperature and also provide energy), and proteins (build and repair muscles) .
Dr. Cynthia Sass, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at Centers for High Performance in New York and California. Almost everything we eat is made up of macronutrients, and sometimes also micronutrients, which we need in smaller amounts.
A perfect balance of macronutrients guarantees a healthy weight , a much more efficient fat burning and the generation of lean muscle mass , essential to give power to the race. For this reason, many professional athletes and specialists in the fitness industry have been using this nutritional method for years, based on the fact that not all calories are the same : the body uses 10 calories from fat in a totally different way than 10 calories from carbohydrates. .
In essence, we could say that as long as you meet your caloric and nutritional needs, you will be able to achieve your goal , which in this case is to lose or maintain weight. In other words, you can follow your favorite foods (healthy of course), but without exceeding quantities and proportions . Hence, the importance of knowing the personal daily number of macros.
If you want to lose weight it is important to make sure you do it in a healthy way.
This primarily means losing fat without losing too much muscle mass, and it also means maintaining your resting metabolic rate, improving metabolic health, and finding a way to eat that you enjoy and can stick with long-term.
But what are the percentages of carbohydrates, fats and protein (often called “macros”) that are needed to lose weight in a healthy way? Should you eat high protein, low carb, low fat or high fat?
Although each person will find a different solution, for many people the option that will give them the best results is to eat high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
As stated above, this type of diet translates to an average of 5-15% carbohydrates, 25-35% protein, and 45-65% fat (on a 1,800-calorie diet, this equates to 20- 70 grams of carbohydrates, 110-160 grams of protein, and 90 to 130 grams of fat).
Although eating high-protein, low-carb isn’t the only way to lose weight, it might be the best start. You can start eating this way and check how hungry you are, if you enjoy the dishes and if you are progressing in losing weight. From there you can make the necessary adjustments.
Read on to understand why this is an effective combination for most people and how you can start on your path to healthy weight loss today.
How are macros calculated?
An individual’s macros are calculated as a percentage of total calories consumed. “So, for example, if you’re a 60k, middle-aged, active individual who hits the gym regularly and follows a 1,600-calorie diet, you need 40% of your calories to come from carbohydrates, 30% of protein and 30% of fat,” explains Sass.
These ratios would be normal for those who don’t train for a living, or for people who are active, but not for endurance athletes. Here’s what those calculations would look like:
1600 x 0.40 = 640 calories from carbohydrates
1,600 x 0.30 = 480 calories from protein
1,600 x 0.30 = 480 calories from fat
The ratio of macros will change depending on your goals . “It’s important to consider your activity level and the type of exercise you do ,” explains Jennifer Silverman, nutrition specialist. “For example, if you’re going to do strength training , you’ll need to increase your protein (and other food) intake to facilitate muscle recovery and prevent injury. Whereas if you focus more on cardio, you’ll need to increase carbohydrates to avoid the depletion of glycogen stores.
What is the easiest way to calculate your own macros?
Silverman suggests entering your data into an online macro calculator: age, height, weight, gender, activity level, target weight, frequency and intensity with which you lift weights. She recommends If It Fits Your Macros , which also asks when you want to hit your goals, or Healthy Eater , which is simpler, but produces similar calculations.
“ The healthiest way to eat is the one that can be sustained long-term ,” explains personal trainer Russ Howe, who has seen many clients improve their performance by counting macros.
On the other hand, if we focus on the nutritional content of food , it is easier for us to adapt the diet to our needs, according to sports nutritionist Emma Rose. ” Runners who don’t pay attention to macronutrients probably don’t know where the calories they eat come from “. Although the best of all is that in this type of diet you do not have to give up any food.
The benefits of counting macros
One positive aspect of eating to your macros is that each macro performs a unique function , Sass explains. As a runner or endurance athlete, it’s important to have enough carbohydrates to avoid “hitting the wall ,” but don’t be too lenient either. By achieving that balance, your body will function at its highest level and you will recover properly. It also activates other systems such as the immune, digestive and sleep systems. Read more related articles about healthy diet and healthy product you can visit Talks Corner.
Is it bad to count macros?
In an IIFYM diet, the important thing is not to deprive yourself of something, but to eat in a way that your body works in the most efficient way. But counting macros can take time. Not only do you have to know the proportions, but you also have to measure the food on an appropriate scale. So if you’re too lazy to weigh everything you eat, counting macros isn’t for you. Although there are applications that help count the calories of your dishes.
Also, monitoring, tracking, and weighing everything you eat can create an unhealthy relationship with food. If numbers are your thing and you like to control your diet, great. But if you’ve suffered from eating disorders in the past, counting macros probably isn’t a good idea.