To keep the liver strong in the disease of liver cancer, there are some yoga asanas, which can keep the liver strong. Read this article to know.
Cancer is a very dangerous disease. If it is in any part, it causes damage. If cancer is detected at an early stage, then we can avoid cancer. Liver cancer occurs due to the weakening of the liver. If we come to know about it in the initial stage, then we can eliminate it through yoga also. Which yoga asanas should we do for liver cancer, which are beneficial?
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can add the 7 Days Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh.
Yoga is necessary to keep the liver healthy in cancer:
The liver becomes weak in liver cancer. Due to this, the functioning of the liver is affected. If we do Naukasana, Bhujangasana, Kapalbhati and Ustrasan yoga asanas, it will strengthen the liver. Keeping the liver strong is very important in liver cancer. Because our body gets nutrients through the liver. If it is affected by liver cancer, then our body will not be able to work. If the liver is weak then we will get sick soon. Cancer medicine or treatment will also not affect it. Yoga and exercise are beneficial in preventing diseases. But before doing them, every patient should take medical advice from his level.
The liver becomes strong by doing Bhujangasana:
The liver is strengthened by Bhujangasana. If your liver is weak then you can strengthen the liver by doing Bhujangasana. Bhujangasana can also be effective in curing liver problems. By doing Bhujangasana at the time of cancer, the function of the liver remains fine.
Method of doing Bhujangasana:
- Lie down on your stomach
- Keep the legs in this state, keep a little gap in it.
- Bringing both the hands near the chest, rest the palm down
- Taking a deep breath, lift the parts up to the navel and try to lookup
- Remain in this posture for some time and breathe normally
- Then now exhale and come back to the previous position.
- Can do this three to four times
You can keep the liver fit by doing Naukasana:
In liver cancer, it is important to keep the liver healthy. For this, we should do boating. In this asana, your body becomes like a boat. That’s why this posture is called Naukasana. By doing this you can keep the liver healthy. Liver cancer patients must consult a doctor before doing it, as well as doing it under the supervision of a yoga instructor will be of great benefit.
Method of doing Naukasana:
- To do this asana, come in the posture of Shavasana.
- Slowly join the heel and toe of the foot, after that both the hands are close to the waist.
- keep neck and palm straight
- Raise neck and arm with both feet
- In the process of this asana, the entire weight of your body will remain on the hips.
- Do this yoga for thirty seconds, then come back to the posture of Shavasana.
- Doing Kapalbhati regularly keeps the liver healthy and strong.
- Experts say that by doing this yoga asana, the liver remains healthy and strong.
Kapalbhati gives great relief during liver cancer. This also reduces stress. It also cures stomach problems. There are three types of Kapalbhati which are Chandra Kapalbhati, Surya Kapalbhati and normal Kapalbhati. Doing any one of these asanas of Kapalbhati is good for the health of the liver. Shoulder, chest should not move in Kapalbhati. The stomach will just be inside out. This should be done for seven to 10 minutes.
How to do Kapalbhati:
- Sit down first
- Make Chitta mudra with both hands and place it on both your knees
- And in this asana, there is no exhalation of breath through the nose, the breath has to be exhaled rapidly.
- While doing this asana, many people give a blow to the chest while exhaling, but you do not have to jerk the chest.
- Shoulder, chest should not move in Kapalbhati, the stomach will just be inside out
- Keep doing this continuously for a few minutes, it should be done for seven to 10 minutes.
The liver remains healthy by doing Ustrasana
The liver becomes healthy by doing Ustrasana. By doing this the liver works well. Ustrasana is beneficial for many health problems. Liver functioning becomes good. If there is liver cancer then this asana should be done daily. But before doing this, you should consult with your doctor and talk to a yoga instructor. Doing this yoga asana according to their guidelines is beneficial for health.
Method of doing Ustrasana:
- First of all, sit in the posture of Vajrasana.
- After that stand with the support of the knee
- Now while taking a deep breath, bend backward, while bending, hold the heel of the left foot with the left hand and the heel of the right foot with the right hand.
- In this sequence, your face will be upwards
- In this position, give the full weight of your body to your hands and feet.
- And stay in this posture for some time and keep breathing normally
- After some time come back to the previous position
- Do this asana five to six times
If you are a fitness freak and want to learn more about yoga poses, then you can enroll in the 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh.
Advice from a doctor and yoga instructor is necessary:
The things mentioned in the article are for information only. If you have liver cancer, then do these asanas only after consulting a yoga instructor and doctor. Because not every posture suits everybody. Taking information about your health, experts can give you information about how to do yoga.
Hope you liked this article and now you have understood well about these yoga postures. If you also want to be healthy then practice yoga asanas daily and keep yourself physically healthy. There are many types of yoga asanas, you can also practice them. Thank you!