It’s amazing how a song can bring back memories or make you feel happy, calm, or uplifted. The ability to distinguish between music and noise is a natural ability.. Fast music can increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing while slower music has the opposite effect.
Although the exact effects of music on our moods are still unknown, research has shown that the brain releases a chemical called Dopamine when we listen to songs. Music can cause us to feel strong emotions like joy, sadness, fear, and some will even agree that music has the ability to move us. Some researchers believe music has the ability to improve our health, well-being and overall wellbeing.
Music can improve mood.
Studies have shown that music can help to regulate emotions and promote happiness in daily life.
Lowers stress.
Relaxing music has been proven to decrease stress in both healthy individuals and those undergoing medical procedures (e.g. surgery, dental, or colonoscopy).
Music reduces anxiety.
Studies of patients with cancer showed that listening to music with standard care decreased anxiety by a third compared to people who got standard care alone.
Exercise is easier with Music.
Enhances memory.
A study that looked at stroke survivors found that listening to music improved their verbal memory and reduced confusion. It also helped them pay more attention.
Reduces pain.
Patients who listen to music prior to, during, and after surgery have less pain and greater overall satisfaction than patients who didn’t enhances cognition
Music therapy can help children with autism spectrum disorders.
Children who have received music therapy reported improved social skills, communication skills, attention, and social reactions.
Music Increases IQ and Academic Performance
Research has shown that music lessons can predict higher academic performance and intelligence in young children. One study found that 6-year-olds who had taken piano or singing lessons for 36 weeks experienced significantly higher increases in IQ and standardized educational tests than those who did not take lessons. The singing group performed the best.
Encourage your children to learn how to play or sing an instrument to help them achieve academic excellence.
Music is the true life force. We eat so that we don’t starve. Brenda Hanna-Pladdy, lead researcher, says that studying an instrument takes years of practice and learning. This may cause alternate connections in our brains that could compensate cognitive declines with age.
Warren Buffet, a business magnate, keeps his mind sharp by learning ukulele. You don’t have to be old to learn an instrument that will keep you in the top of your game.
Plato was right when he stated, “Music and rhythm find a way into the hidden places of the soul.” Music can make your life more enjoyable in many ways. Music can reduce stress, anxiety, improve your mood, increase your health, help you sleep better, relieve pain, and even make you smarter.
Music Improves Running Performance
Marcelo Bigliassi and colleagues discovered that runners who listen to motivational music (fast or slow) ran faster the first 800m of their runs than those who listen to quiet music or ran unaffected by it. Listen to motivational songs if you want to elevate your running.
Music reduces stress, Improves Health
“Music can be healing on its own. It’s a powerful manifestation of humankind. It’s something that affects everyone. It doesn’t matter what culture you come from.” — Billy Joel
Music you enjoy will reduce the levels of cortisolin in your body. This can help reduce chronic stress. This is an important finding since stress is the reason behind 60percent of illnesses and diseases. The study revealed that those who are active in the making of music like singing, playing percussion instruments and have a stronger immune system than people who simply listen.
Music is basically something to stimulate the auditory nerves (hearing sense). However, it is one of the few stimuli that can be absorbed by only one organ of the senses, which can stimulate all the brain’s functions in distinct ways. A large amount of “music” is produced in the brain. The ability to interpret music is crucial to differentiate between sound and music.
Heavy metal music is typically, loud and brutal. Take note of how you feel during various times during the course of your day. Are you able to enjoy some loud and raw music just after you wake up or just before bed? The brain’s chemical chemicals play a part in this. Different people experience different levels of “excitation” at different times of the day, or in different the seasons. In other words, chemically talking your nervous system can be energized in general (with and without symptoms such as leg cramps or restlessness) and you may be feeling that you need more stimulation. Therefore, heavy metal music might be the perfect choice for you if need more stimulation.
Each person’s perception of music is not the same way. With this in mind it is possible to say that each person is uniquely driven to listen to music. Individuals will also have their own motives to listen to music. A few common reasons are:
- Enjoyment
- Special emotion
- The structural parts of the song that are favored (chorus beat, chorus, etc.)
- To avoid getting bored (after all music stimulates the entire brain)
- Bonding between people and social networks
In principle, you can listen to any type of music anytime for any reason, or for no reason at all. Study conducted by Jenny M. Groarke and Michael J. Hogan points to eleven important adaptive aspects of music that describe the role music has throughout our day-to-day lives. These are:
Controlling Stress:
The use of music as a means of distracting our minds in stressful situations. It can help us escape the situation and relax.
Anxiety Regulation
Music is believed to help us control our anxiety as well as soothe us. Sometimes it is by stimulating positive feelings, and bringing anxiety with music, calming and distracting the mind, as well as by re-evaluating our thinking.
Anger Regulating:
Music can calm us down, or even confirm our feelings. Music is a popular choice since we believe that it helps us control our anger.
Loneliness Regulation
Music can help us lessen the feeling of being lonely.
The Rumination
It is common to dwell on and think about anxious or sad thoughts, because music can help us do it in a unique manner.