Python’s popularity and growth increase year after year. Python, according to Survey, will be the world’s fastest-growing programming language by 2020, overtaking all other programming languages. It is an open-source programming language with extensive support modules, integrated web services, and user-friendly data structures. One of the top coding languages that developers who do not use Python would like to learn is Python. Python’s popularity cannot be denied. Trends suggest that the market will remain high for years to come. When it comes to reading and writing, Python is extremely comparable to English. Python is often people’s first choice when they start their careers as developers because it is a free programming language with a large ecosystem of libraries and packages.
So let’s see why Python is so popular among developers.
Why is Python so popular?
Easy to understand and use
Python is a simple language to learn and use for both beginners and newcomers. Python’s popularity has boosted the fact that it is an interpreted language, which allows for easy code changes, making it one of the most popular programming languages.
Over a hundred Python libraries and frameworks
The libraries make it easier to develop a project since all of the code does not have to be written from scratch. As more libraries and packages are added to a programming language, its ability to handle a variety of use cases improves. You can choose and use fantastic libraries with Python to save time and work throughout the first development cycle. Some of the most popular Python libraries are – NumPy, Pandas, Flask, Django, TensorFlow, Plotly, SQLAlchemy, Matplotlib, and so many others.
Flexible, efficient, reliable, and fast
Python is an efficient, dependable, and significantly speedier language than most modern languages. It also makes use of its adaptability by being suitable for a wide range of settings, including mobile apps, desktop apps, websites, and hardware development. Python’s versatility makes it an appealing choice because it offers a huge variety of applications.
Data analytics, machine learning, Big Data, and cloud computing
Thousands of Built-in functions and libraries, such as TensorFlow for neural networks and OpenCV for computer vision, are utilized in thousands of machine learning projects every day. Python is the most popular language for Machine Learning at the moment of typing, with 60 percent of data analysts and deep learning engineers using it. Data scientists and other professionals use Python for performing complex statistical calculations.
Python is a great language for automating tasks since there are a lot of tools and modules available, making the process much easier. It is impressive that the necessary python codes can easily aid one in automating to an advanced level. Python includes tools and modules to help developers automate these time-consuming, repetitive operations so they may focus on more essential topics. The Python plugins library has led to its widespread adoption in a variety of industries. Python is often used by developers to write automation scripts when working with other programming languages as well.
Huge Active and Supportive Community
Over three decades, a passionate user community has developed around Python. Python makes documentation, tutorials, guidelines, and other resources available to developers of all levels. Despite this, the Python community is thriving. Developers who are short on time and require quick, effective solutions can crowdsource solutions from the community.
Python Is the Most Accessible Programming Language
Programming in Python is one of the easiest to learn. One of the reasons is its simplified syntax and emphasis on natural language. Moreover, Python code can be written and executed much faster due to its simplicity. Python is nowadays considered important high-level programming in schools and colleges due to its numerous applications in Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Data Science. You can take the help of online tutoring for learning python in detail. The Python programming language is increasingly being taught in schools and universities as a critical component of the development world. As a result, the number of Python developers and programmers is increasing, supporting Python’s growth and popularity even more.
Web development is made easier with Python
In addition to being a good choice for a wide variety of development projects, Python’s Web development capabilities deserve special attention. A Python developer can easily create a web application using open-source libraries. Python is an excellent choice for anyone searching for a quick and dependable solution because of its speed and developer experience. Python, on the other hand, provides a wealth of APIs and tools to make integrating other sorts of apps into websites a breeze.
IoT technology uses Python widely
IoT (Internet of Things) is growing as wireless access becomes increasingly ubiquitous. Users can often customize their performance with these smaller, computer internet-connected devices by making small changes to the code on them. Micro python and Python are commonly supported on these devices. Those who want to take full advantage of the ever-growing internet of things may need a working understanding of Python as more devices become internet-connected.
Support from Renowned Corporate Sponsors
The support of a corporate sponsor can go a long way for a programming language. For instance, Microsoft sponsored C#, Sun sponsored Java and FaceBook sponsored PHP. Python has been heavily used by Google since 2006 for a variety of platforms and applications. What is the significance of this? Organizations like Google must provide resources for their developers if they wish them to work with their systems and apps. For example, Google created a large amount of Python tutorials and guides. At least in the development community, it provides free advertising for the language and a growing list of documentation and support tools.
Here is a brief look at the Python language and its importance we hope you found useful. From humble origins, the Python programming language has developed to play a vital role in the digital age. Python is the programming language of choice around the world for dependable, efficient, and intuitive programming solutions. Python’s popularity is understandable. It’s a popular choice since it allows developers to create effective and dependable apps for customers and businesses, regardless of their technological qualities.